[Linux-Anyway] I didn't know M$ were *THAT* stupid! (C&C warning)

  • From: Godwin Stewart <gstewart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 09:54:30 +0200

,--------------- Forwarded message (begin)

 Subject: Re: [Media] Wirral man could be cleared of spam
 Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 07:23:06 +0200
 Newsgroup: news.admin.net-abuse.email


RE:  Unauthorized Distribution of the following copyrighted computer

Microsoft Office

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has determined that the connection
listed below, which appears to be using an Internet account under your
control, is operating an FTP server to offer unlicensed copies or is engaged
in other unauthorized activities relating to copyrighted computer programs
published by the BSA's member companies.

Infringement Details:
First Found: 24 Nov 2002 15:31:40 EST (GMT -500)
Last Found: 24 Feb 2003 01:19:59 EST (GMT -500)
IP Address:
IP Port: 21
Protocol: FTP
FTP Login Name: anonymous
FTP Login Password: guest@xxxxxxxxxxx

What was located as infringing content:
Filename: /mandrake_current/SRPMS/OpenOffice.org-1.0.1-9mdk.src.rpm

The above computer program(s) is/are being made available for copying,
through downloading, at the above location without authorization from the
copyright owner(s).
Based upon BSA's representation of the copyright owners in anti-piracy
matters, we have a good faith belief that none of the materials or
activities listed above have been authorized by the rightholders, their
agents, or the law.  BSA represents that the information in this
notification is accurate and states, under penalty of perjury, that it is
authorized to act in this matter on behalf of the copyright owners listed

We hereby give notice of these activities to you and request that you take
expeditious action to remove or disable access to the materials described
above, and thereby prevent the illegal reproduction and distribution of
pirated software via your company's network. As you know, illegal on-line
activities can result in 50 million people on the Internet accessing and
downloading a copyrighted product worldwide without authorization - a highly
damaging activity for the copyright holder.

`--------------- Forwarded message (end)

G. Stewart   --   gstewart@xxxxxxxxxxx -- gstewart@xxxxxxxxxxx
Registered Linux user #284683
Linux: the choice of a GNU generation
   -- ksh @ cis . ufl . edu put this on Tshirts in '93
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  • » [Linux-Anyway] I didn't know M$ were *THAT* stupid! (C&C warning)