[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: Installation on Mac OS X bug?

  • From: Bert Frees <bert.frees@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 11:11:40 +0200

John and Greg,

Thanks for your explanation.

On 26/08/2010 21:09, John J. Boyer wrote:

The basic problem is that the Mac doesn't have pkg-config, so we can't
run configure successfuly. I think someone else got around that problem,
but that was some time ago. Can you see if the Makefile will work if you
just remove transcriber.h?


I already had pkg-config installed on my system. I even got it in three locations:


Just removing transcriber.h didn't work.

On 26/08/2010 23:47, Greg Williams wrote:
Hi Bert,
I did some further testing because I realized that I had modified my mac some. However, following the below steps will install the latest liblouisxml tar ball from http://www.abilitiessoft.com (which no longer seems to include the Mac directory either). I should have taken a closer look at Michel's instructions earlier; it would have clarified things. NOTE: I am assuming that you already have liblouis installed in /usr or /usr/local.
1.  Download pkg-config from http://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/releases/
Uncompress it and switch to the newly created directory. Install it with ./configure; make; sudo make install. This will install it in /usr/local by default.

2. Add the following line to your ~/.profile (you can change the system profile if you prefer):
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig"
This line tells configure where to look for the *.pc files for installed libraries. You should check to make sure that both of these directories exist. Both of these directories will be needed because libxml2 comes installed in /usr/lib, and the liblouis library will by default install in /usr/local/lib.

3. Download the latest liblouisxml tarball from http://www.abilitiessoft.com or svn; decompress it; switch to the liblouisxml directory and run
./configure; make; sudo make install

I already tried these things yesterday. But without succes. Today I tried it again, but this time with the latest tarball like you said (instead of version 2.3.0 from svn), but I get the same errors. As a matter of fact, the errors are the same you ran into some time ago :) <//www.freelists.org/post/liblouis-liblouisxml/Compiling-liblouisxml-on-the-mac-undefined-symbols>.

Undefined symbols:
  "_xmlXPathRegisterNs", referenced from:
      _sem_compileFile in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlKeepBlanksDefault", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlFree", referenced from:
      _xmlFree$non_lazy_ptr in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlXPathEvalExpression", referenced from:
      _do_xpath_expr in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlXPathNewContext", referenced from:
      _compile_semantic_table in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
      _compile_semantic_table in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlSetGenericErrorFunc", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlStrchr", referenced from:
      _sem_compileFile in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
      _sem_compileFile in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlNewParserCtxt", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlCtxtReadFile", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlStrdup", referenced from:
      _sem_compileFile in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlDocGetRootElement", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlParseMemory", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlFreeParserCtxt", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlCleanupParser", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlGetProp", referenced from:
      _set_sem_attr in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
      _get_attr_value in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlXPathFreeObject", referenced from:
      _do_xpath_expr in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_xmlCheckVersion", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlXPathFreeContext", referenced from:
      _destroy_semantic_table in liblouisxml_la-semantics.o
  "_htmlParseFile", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlFreeDoc", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_initGenericErrorDefaultFunc", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o
  "_xmlParseFile", referenced from:
      _processXmlDocument in liblouisxml_la-liblouisxml.o

This works on my mac, and so hopefully should work for you. Although I am still running 10.5 on a PPC, the standard installation shouldn't have changed that much. Let me know if you run into any problems.

For a description of the software and to download it go to

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