[LRflex] Re: Was: Air Time - Now: Filters.

  • From: Richard Ward <ilovaussiesheps@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 09:24:02 -0700 (PDT)

"You see, I was in a bucking chute, crouched down, just 3 meters (10 
feet) or so, from one of the barrels, when a barrel racer came by. 
Her horse threw up a cloud of stones.  I ducked, but the camera 
apparently forgot to.  The result was a stone chip, similar to that 
you get in a car windscreen, dead center in the glass."

I sympathize!
In my film EOS days I had just gotten a Sigma 28 f1.8 at an outrageous 
clearance price (like 100 bucks) but ... there is always a but, isn't there! 
... I left it in my 2nd bag out of forgetfulness when I loaned my backup and a 
kit zoom to my sister to take pictures while in a parade with my niece. Turns 
out she was ON a parade float with the girl scout troupe. Bag tipped, lens 
rolled like twelve feet down the float deck, everyone scrambling to grab it, 
then over the side and clunk! face down on the asphault! took a 1 inch divot 
out of the lens element and sheared the focus gearing! Good bye fast wide angle!
I'd only taken 2 or 3 images with it.
<<<insert taps music>>>
Never took another. God rest her soul.

Richard in Michigan


Hey! Where'd my Sig Line go!


From: David Young <dsy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, April 6, 2010 11:59:36 AM
Subject: [LRflex] Was: Air Time - Now: Filters.

Richard in Michigan wrote:

>>"Superb catch David!
>>I like it very much.
>>p.s. did you get the Sigma UV filters you were inquiring about some time
>>ago? I believe they were meant for situations like this one;-)"
><<< Dave walks into camera store >>>
>"Yes, may I help you?" a clerk inquires.
>"I was wondering which UV filter I should get to stop a Horse 
>kicking in the front of my lens?" Dave asks eagerly.
><<<If the clerk is a good one, he says whichever one is the most expensive!>>>
>Sigh... maybe it's only me who sees the humor. At least it made me 
>smile inside.

Glad we've lightened your day, Richard!  However, you humour is not 
far from the mark.  A couple of years ago, before you were a  valued 
member of this august group,  I managed to destroy the front element 
of my 12~60mm Oly lens, simply because I'd not yet purchased a UV 
filter for my then new lens.

You see, I was in a bucking chute, crouched down, just 3 meters (10 
feet) or so, from one of the barrels, when a barrel racer came by. 
Her horse threw up a cloud of stones.  I ducked, but the camera 
apparently forgot to.  The result was a stone chip, similar to that 
you get in a car windscreen, dead center in the glass.

The result was quite visible in many photos.  The good part was that 
Olympus fixed it (a new front element was required) at a reasonable 
price and, more importantly, did it in under 24hrs.  Thus, my lens 
was gone just 8 days, including postage, both ways, to Toronto and 
back. For that quality of service, they'll get me back, as an Oly customer!

These days, I keep the filters on my lenses, when doing such work!


David Young - Photographer
Logan Lake, BC,  Canada

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