[LRflex] Re: Shots of Vienna and Budapest up......

  • From: Alex Hurst <corkflor@xxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 20:21:55 +0100

Phil wrote:

>Thanks Alex for these nice series - we also liked the two cities when we
>went there, but your pictures are much better than mine in any case and
>paradoxically a better reminder of my own trip's atmosphere..
>I don't know how long you stayed there - I would have liked to stay
>longer than we did for there are so many beautiful or "exotic" sights to
>be found at every street corner.

Well, it may be of interest that these are roughly 40 pictures out of 
400 or so I took. Some others I didn't include because they're of 
people the Group wouldn't be interested in, plus an awful lot of 
Jugendstil architecture which happens to be one of my passions along 
with the whole Vienna Secession movement - particularly Gustav Klimt.

But I was pleasantly surprised ending up with around 10% of shots 
which I thought were worth showing you.

>Your pictures are a real apetizer for a second helping/trip.
>The colours are fine and the churches look so peaceful.

Delighted to hear the colours are OK on your monitor as they are on 
mine. I didn't adjust colour balance at all - just brightness and 
contrast a little where necessary.

>Did you have raddishes with Gulash (wink)?

Funny thing is you get better goulash (gulyas??) in Vienna than you 
do in Budapest. As for the radishes, they were just huge!

>BTW: did you try their wines?

I assume that question is rhetorical! The best bottle we had was a 
Tokai at a wine bar. I thought these were heavy wines, but this was 
like a great Kiwi (NZ) sauvignon. Pity the Hungarians don't export 
much wine.. apart from Bulls Blood, which we definitely weren't 
interested in.

>  or did you keep to Pilsner? (mine was
>Joseph komma nul as I was driving :-( )

Our routine is roughly one hour's walking to one hour in a cafe with 
a beer or whatever when you let other people do the walking past. 
Worked well as this time, as it did in Rome a while back. I'm sure 
you noted that the Budapest section ended with food, and the Vienna 
section with one of the best Austrian beers.... :-)

>Thanks for sharing your discoveries and sunny photos with us.
>Keep them coming.

Will do, Phil - and thanks for the bouquet.



>Alex Hurst wrote:
>>Hi all.
>>I've just posted pix from our trip in May this year to one of our
>>favourite cities: Vienna, Austria. We then took a fast boat down the
>>Danube for our first-ever visit to the Hungarian capital, Budapest.
>>Most of these shots were taken with a Nikon D200 DSLR and my trusty M3.
>>Wish I could have taken an SL2, but there wasn't room in my single
>>carry-on bag... :-(
>>Go to:
>>And click on the Vienna and Budapest links provided.
>>Brickbats and bouquets welcome as ever.
>  >Alex

Alex & Carmel Hurst
Near Cork

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