[LRflex] Re: Burnin' Desire .. Part Two

  • From: Philippe AMARD <philippe.amard@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:24:23 +0100

David Young wrote:

Philippe wrote:

Very nice shots, but why are they in disguise?
Never saw either my father or my grandfather wearing helmets when we had this kind of ecobuage fire..

Was your grandfather a professional firefighter?

No :-D
But we had some land in the country and we would regularly clean the bushes and dead grass by means of, as far as we could, controlled fires (écobuage is the French for it). It has now been made illegal as there were many accidents, sometimes causing forest fires, notably in the southern part of France. But I remember the heat, the smell, the choking fumes, and the barbecues we had then.
I'll show you the places when you come :-)
Well, we sometimes break the law at Alice's place, and Tim always considers this as a real treat, as your grandson must have seen it too.

Did you get closer and get the heat ?

I had my grandson with me... and yes, at points we were close enough (about .5 meter for me, about 3 meters for Nathan) to be very warm.

I'd be curious to see some pixes taken in so hot an environment - Alice's fireplace is but a poor makeshift for experiment in extreme heat.
If you do, please post some.

A half meter was about as hot an environment as we got ... the first and second shots were taken at that range.

My question about distance was technical curiosity or, how does the gear react to IR?, as you may have imagined.

Have a nice weekend.
Amitiés to both of you

Keep shooting and sharing David, I like them all.

Thanks, Philippe!


David Young,
Logan Lake, CANADA

Limited Edition Prints at: www.furnfeather.net
Personal Web-site at: www.main.furnfeather.net
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