Re: Pinkish splodge - any ideas what it could be?

  • From: Doug Herr <wildlightphoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leica@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, LeicaReflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 08:12:41 -0400 (EDT)

Douglas Sharp wrote:

>This slide was taken on Fuji film (ASA 200) and has a pinkish area at 
>the bottom.
>It looks as if light is getting on to the film where it shouldn't. A 
>group of consecutive shots have it, others don't.
>Is it lens flare? It may be imagination, but I think I see it in the 
>viewfinder when a Rollei 21mm lens is attached.
>It doesn't extend into the perforations

My first guess would be that it's coming in through the viewfinder.  Since it 
doesn't extend into the sprocket holes I believe the camera's film gate is 
involved, which rules out processing, or any handling outside the camera.  This 
should also rule out a leak through the camera's back.  I don't think it's lens 
flare because it doesn't seem like there was a bright light source above and 
outside the picture area.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

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