[laffs] More fly-in stuff

  • From: "Gene Hatfield" <hatter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Terry Majewski" <tdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ted Brown" <egbdab@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Scooter Keith" <venoy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Royce Johnson" <roycej@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ron Stanfield" <ronstan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ron and Linda" <ronlinda@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Roger Rice" <candrrice@xxxxxxx>, "Robert Finne" <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "LAFFS MEMBERS" <laffs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ken Boling" <kboling@xxxxxxxxxx>, "John Gray" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Jim Walls" <prissie@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Jim Stalcup" <manatee@xxxxxxxx>, "jim reed" <jfreed@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Herb/Dot Mills" <herbdot@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Harold Ellis" <crasher@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Gordon Bailey" <baileyark@xxxxxxxxx>, "Fredda & John Swanson" <freddajohnswanson@xxxxxxxxx>, "Ed/Alice Miskovitz" <rcpilot@xxxxxxx>, "ed pearson" <edp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Douglas Engleson" <minnman99@xxxxxxxxx>, "Dick Risk" <rjrisk@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Daniel Williams" <fbc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Andy Nitzke" <s.nitzke@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 08:18:55 -0500

OK guys, lets try to attend the fun fly
in Conway on the 17th of June. Much
bushhogging and mowing has been
done to clean up the field area and
make more space for our August 6
event. We have a good many donations received and more to come.
This is shaping up to be a SUPER
event and we expect everyone to
participate some way, even to help
park vehicles. Please try to attend
our regular meetings as discussion 
goes on there. Contact Ed Pearson
for more details if needed. Check
our web site as pics will be posted:
laffs info. com                Gene

Subject: [laffs] More fly-in stuff

Robert Haynes has donated a big spinner to help with raffles and such.  He has 
also donated his time to build a radio impound board to use at the up coming 
event.   Thanks Robert for your help.


Also Richard Tibbits, our contest director, has contacted me and requested to 
fly on the 15th of this month.  It would be nice if we could get a few guys to 
welcome him and fly with him.  Also Beaver Fork is having a Fun Fly the 17th 
and we have been ask to attend.


Richard wrote:


I'm going to be in the Fairfield Bay area next Thursday afternoon (6/15/06).  
Any possibility of getting together for a little flying at the field???  Also. 
the revised flyer did not come through.  Please send that to my office e-mail.  
It certainly looks like you folks are doing a great job.


Don't forget the Walter Scott Memorial Fun Fly at Beaver Fork Lake Park in 
Conway on 6/17/06.  The raffle will be a complete airplane (trainer), engine, 
and radio, ready to fly.  Other door prizes to registered pilots include: gift 
certificates from Duralite Batteries(for the first 20), two $20 gift 
certificates to HobbyTown USA, screws and bolts from Micro Fasteners, and two 
CD's(Warbirdsd and TOC action), so far.  There will be at least 9 additional 
items that the club will purchase.  Typically, the door prizes mount up to 
around $400 in merchandise and coupons.  Hope to see a bunch of you LAFFS there.





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