[JA] Re: .fr2 folders (was Switching to Another Addy)

  • From: Don L Elias <donelias@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 04:01:35 -0600

I have found the opposite to be true.  My Juno 4 does
pick up lower numbers that are not in use and creates
an actual folder at that number.  The only time it doesn't
is when that number is "defined" but orphaned in the
director.frm file.  When I find such a case I edit the
item out of the director.frm and then Juno will use
it the next time it need to create a new folder instead of
using the next higher number.

Don Elias

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 18:40:42 -0800 "George Lunt" <glunt@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> You could have just deleted that folder and not replaced it.  The Juno
> software would have worked fine without it.  As you create and
> subsequently delete folders, you may notice the numbering has "holes"
> it...   i.e. fold0015.frm, fold0016.frm, fold0019.frm, fold0020.frm...
> and it works just fine.  It doesn't usually "backfill" numbering wise.

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