[JA] Re: Spam Desk

  • From: Linda WJ <pettey-admin@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 02:09:51 -0800

Hi Jim,

> I like the Juno mailer, or at least version 4.  I don't like the 
> terribly limited Web service Juno provides for free.  So, I get Web
> by NetZero (same corporation; different service) ....

Doesn't NetZero limit the time you can spend on the Internet?

We were never very clear about how much Internet time Juno allowed a
person.  Somehow I somehow got the idea a person was to use no more than
10 hours per ~day~.  I used to periodically check my "usage" and tried to
keep it under 300 hours per month.  I used to also write it on my
calendar each month so I had some idea of how much I'd used.  Then I took
a vacation from the computer from Sep 2002 until May 2003.  When I
started using the Internet again I discovered Juno had removed a person's
"usage" hours from their account.  I wonder why?  I'm too lazy to write
down every time I get on and off the Internet every day, so now I have no
idea how much time I spend online per month. 

> LWJ>  (I've always wondered if maybe they don't do some 
> spying on you besides.) 
> There is no evidence.  Particularly there is no evidence such 
> information has been used to focus my Juno banner ads .....

A few years ago there was some talk about Juno using your computer when
you weren't using it.  (For a mega computer or something.)  I guess it
never came to pass but at the time I was trying to stay alert to what was
going on.  I don't think other people were any more fond of the idea than
I was.


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