[JA] Re: Newly downloaded messages displaying in the Inbox

  • From: J�rel DD Arbaugh <computerist@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, no-tag-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:48:38 -0800

}Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 18:13:54 -0800
}Subject: [JA] Re: Newly downloaded messages displaying in the Inbox
}From: George H Lunt 
}3)  The one scenario that you have to watch out for is when you only
}one "bad" message and no "good" ones OK to delete.  If you select the
}"good" one first and then while holding down the CTRL key select the
}"bad" message, then go back and de-select the "good" message, you'll end
}up with just the one "bad" message selected and, of course, it will
}display in the Message window.  So, in this case you'll have to wait to
}delete the "bad" message until either you get a "good" message you'd be
}willing to delete or another "bad" message, so you can have two messages
}selected at the same time for deletion as noted in #1 and #2 above. 
}you always have to have a "good" one to select first to start the
}process, just not necessarily one you intend to delete too.

        If you have a good one too, then you can "Copy to folder" that
message to the same folder: Presto! a duplicate that you can delete with
the bat one!
| Computerist.    KG6HNO  This user is located in California.  It is a
violation of California law to send unsolicited commercial mail to this

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