[JA] Newly downloaded messages displaying in the Inbox

  • From: George H Lunt <glunt@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 14:48:58 -0800

Hi All,

Several times Babette asked about stopping the display in the Inbox of
the "first" message downloaded during each mail retrieval.  A thread
developed around sending yourself a message immediately after mail
retrieval, so that a known "safe" message would be first in the queue the
next time around.  And while that does work, it seems to be kind of a
pain.  So I offer an alternative...  although it takes the "Mail
Assistants" (filters) of v5.

I've noticed with v5 the first of the new messages directed by "Mail
Assistants" (filters) to folders OTHER than the Inbox is NOT displayed
when you switch to those folders.  But rather the message that was
selected (highlighted and displayed) when you exited the folder last
continues to be displayed, not a new one.  So I've set up an "Incoming"
folder and use my first Mail Assistant (filter) to bypass my Inbox
entirely.  All messages are first directed to my "Incoming" folder and
then acted on by other Mail Assistants (filters) as appropriate.

Without any new mail at all going into the Inbox, the last folder I was
in before retrieving new mail, now usually my "Incoming" folder, is the
folder that I end up in after downloading new messages, and the message
that is selected (highlighted and displayed) is the LAST message I was on
BEFORE downloading the new messages.  I can then look over the Headers of
ALL new messages BEFORE opening ANY of them.

Don't know if this is enough to entice you back to the Dark Side (v5 <g>)
Babette, but if you want to try it you can set up a simple Mail Assistant
(filter) to move ALL mail to a folder other than the Inbox.  I used one
that is a combination of 6 conditions, "if the text of the message
contains an  a"  then "move the message to the Incoming folder", "if the
text of the message contains an e" then "move the message to the Incoming
folder", and added others for i, o, u & y.

George Lunt ..... so. cal.

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