[JA] Re: "New" phone numbers <sigh>

  • From: Jamie Orr <jamieorr@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 23:06:53 -0800

Hi, Carolyn, et al

Where my problem is is that the new list comes in and Juno 1.49 is 
unable to process it.  Everytime I start 1.49 or send I get the same 
message including that it will be resent soon.  Seems like weeks 
They continue intermittently to send the same file which remains 
hang  up in my USER000x\Get folder.  It is a 71 KB DDX file that they 
claim was created Tuesday, December 14, 1999 1:09:05 AM. <g>

It's zeroing or disappearing doesn't do any good as it is resent.  
Doing a Options|Update phone access list didn't solve it either.  I 
suppose eventually they will stop resending it, but I wouldn't 
want to be using a wrong/obselete number; doesn't seem to be 
any problem there - so far.

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 17:03:25 EST Carolyn Stoffel
<carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx> writes:
->On Thu, 1 Jul 1999 00:00:00 -0500 support@xxxxxxxx writes:
->>To provide you with better service, we have updated and expanded the
->>list of our telephone access numbers that 
->Pulled another all-nighter. Downloaded messages about 1 AM, didn't 
->like sitting here and watching nothing happen for an hour while my
->computer processed the new dial list. 
->Did you notice the date on their message?
->I figure it will be good for another 10 or 15 minutes of churning 
->demanding that I re-select the same numbers I've been using all along 
->that one of the numbers they send is an invalid number. <sigh>
->[snip of sig & taglines]
                     __________  jmo __________

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