[JA] India Customer Service

  • From: James E Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 02:26:23 -0500

> Subject: [JA] India Customer Service
> From: Matt Bahls <downloader5@xxxxxxxx>

MB> So the next time you call CS for anything,
> chances are getting greater and greater that you
> may be talking to somebody half a world away.

Chances are getting greater and greater that we free riders will be
talking to nobody at all.  Even with the low wages that prevail in
Hyderabad, the city in south central India where UOL does more work than
in any single office in the USA, the company doesn't want to pay someone
to talk to us.

Accmail's original job was to use free E-mail to do, with some
difficulty, tasks that would ordinarily be done by Web, mainly file
downloads.  Now its job is to replace those friendly, industrious people
on the phone in India who have learned to speak in a Chicago accent about
Juno 5 (they never heard of 1.49).  Even they don't work cheaper than

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