jaws speech recognition software

  • From: "Renette Bloem" <renette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "jaws mailing list \(jaws mailing list\)" <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 14:04:07 +0200

Dear All

I got an inquiry about speech recognition software from a sighted person.

The guy obviously does not know the difference between Jaws and for example
Dragon Naturally Speaking.

This made me curious:

If Dragon Naturally Speaking (or other kinds of speech recognition software
for that matter) is so easy to use, fast and convenient, why would anybody
bother to type or use the mouse and keyboard and I would like to include
Jaws users here.

Jaws users then need Jaws to read to them, but why would we bother to handle
Excel, Word ect. If speech recognition is so easy?



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