[jawsscripts] Re: a graphics issue for the checked and unchecked status,

  • From: Jitendra <jeet.invincible@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jawsscripts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 08:24:55 +0530

When I press left arrow or come by any navigation commands to the graphic,
JAWS says only blank, and the only way as I am repeting is JAWS key +G, to
know the graphic lable, but the good thing is: It does not move, you can
check both lable this way:
Do a left arrow on the item with JAWS cursor, insert+g, and see the lable,
escape, then space bar, again insert+G, see the diferent lable, escape.
JAWS doesn't says that it is not set on a graphic.
Now your question: Insert+Numpad 5 reads blank, insert+F reads "No font"
Hope this helps.
Geoff Chapman wrote: What about hitting insert/Jawskey+NumPad 5 though when
your over the graphic. does that say Blank? or does it speak the graphic
label. I.e. i hear you that hitting left Arrow says blank, but I'm wondering
whether this is because it's trying to speak stuff before it's properly
movedto on top of the graphic? just as I've seen in some situations in the
past, where if you moved jawsCursor with insert+left arrow, it would say one
Graphic number that it thought it had now moved to, but then when you
activated the SayWord insert+NumPad5 command, it would speak a different
one!demonstrating to me there were timing and refresh type issues going on.
From: "Jitendra" <jeet.invincible@xxxxxxxxx>[1] To:
<jawsscripts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>[2] Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 4:54 AM
Subject: [jawsscripts] Re: a graphics issue for the checked and unchecked
status, No, the lable is not spoken when left arrow is pressed in jaws
cursoractive,the way is only to guess that we are on the graphic by rute
JAWSto PC, then a left arrow and activating the graphic's labler. Thank you.
David Farough wrote: Perhaps the graphic is not quite in alignment with the
text for the entry. What happens if you activate the Jaws or invisible
cursor, then route cursor to pc cursor, and then do a control left arrow?
Will jaws speak the label for your graphic? If yes, then you could use
GetGraphicNameAtPoint to return the label of the graphic. I wrote the
following test script to test this approach. While focussed on the current
listview entry for a message in my email client, this script: activates the
jaws cursor, routes jaws to pc moves to the prior graphic speaks the result
of the move 1 if successful or 0 says the name of the graphic that was moved
to. This will be the label of the graphic. When I looked up
GetGraphicNameAtPoint in the fsdn, there was no descriptions provided for
therequired parameters for this function. It turns out that GetCursorCol can
be used for the first parameter and getCursorRow can be used for the second
parameter. Here is my test function. Script test () var int iGraphicFound ;
stores the result of the moveToGraphic function SaveCursor () JAWSCursor ()
SaveCursor () RouteJAWSToPc () let iGraphicFound = MoveToGraphic
(graphic_prior, true) sayinteger (iGraphicFound) saystring
(GetGraphicNameAtPoint (GetCursorCol (),GetCursorRow ())) EndScript Here is
the fsdn entry for GetGraphicNameAtPoint Function: GetGraphicNameAtPoint
Description This function is used to return the name of the graphic located
at the point specified by the functions two parameters. Returns Type: String
Description: Returns the name of the graphic located at the specified point.
Parameters Param 1: Type: Int Description: No Description Include: Required
Param 2: Type: Int Description: No Description Include: Required Version
Thisfunction is available in the following releases: PAC Mate 1.10 and later
JAWS 4.51 and later David Farough Application Accessibility
Coordinator/coordonateur de l'accessibilit&eacute; Information Technology
Services Directorate / Direction des services d'information technologiques
Public Service Commission / Commission de la fonction publique Email /
Courriel: David.Farough@xxxxxxxxxxxxx[3][1] Tel. / T&eacute;l: (613)
992-2779Jitendra <jeet.invincible@xxxxxxxxx>[4][2] 11:26 am Wednesday,
January 21, 2009 No, I am sorry, it doesn't David Farough wrote: Does the
GetLine function return the text of your label when the listbox has focus?
Ifyes, you could use StringContains in if logic to speak checked when
appropriate. __________ Visit and contribute to The JAWS Script Repository
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