MS-Blast vs exchange publishing

  • From: "Jeff Sloan" <jsloan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ISALists" <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 08:16:43 -0500

Does this worm have anything to do with the fact that my external users
cant connect to our exchange server that is RPC published?
I know it has to do with RPC and port 135, which is where the publishing
goes on.

I called earthlink thinking they may have blocked the protocol or ports,
but they say they haven't, yet we cant connect no matter how many
retries. Just started happening the last few days.


Jeff Sloan 
Network Administrator 
Cross Oil Refining & Marketing, Inc. 
484 E. 6th St. 
Smackover, AR 71762 

Phone 870-864-8688
Fax     870-864-8689 
Cell     870-866-9941 

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