[icon-discuss] braille plus changes

  • From: "Richard Fiorello" <richkar1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:51:30 -0400

As it currently stands, the unit is fairly easy to operate even for me.  There 
isn't the learning curve you have with a pc and screen reader.  Its important 
for some at least to retain that straight forward usability.  The idea of 
adding packages only if they are something that excites you is a very good 
I, for example, don't have much interest in face book.  PDF, however, is 
another issue.
I would probably opt not to install the facebook material while others would 
jump at the chance.  
I'm not certain if one can expect the unit to perform like a full fledged pc.  
If someone has a pd a will it perform all the functions of their computer?
food for thought on a rainy day.

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