[ian-reeds-games] Re: major directx sound error

  • From: Monkey <murtagh69.monkeys@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2015 22:11:04 -0700

If we're talking about sound problems, I've found that with my new
laptop the sounds in TB don't seem to come out right. A lot of them
have weird beeps beforehand, or are much fainter than they should be.
Yet, if I play them in another program, Windows Media Player or
GoldWave for example, they sound just fine, with no beeps or whatnot
to speak of.
Not sure if it's my laptop itself, or maybe it is a Windows 8.1
problem...weird how it only happens with TB though.

On 12/6/15, Kyle Davis <kyles.supernova@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

last i checked it was a 4 gb ram with a 1.5 ghz dual core processer with
a conexant smart audio hd. and as for the mp3s being large the window
sound was very short but it doesn't matter which map pack i use the
sound problem happens but only on mp3 formats for some reason, it could
be that all the sound drivers might be way outdated my computer is at
least 5 years ould.

On 12/6/2015 1:41 PM, Craig Brett (Redacted sender craigbrett17 for
DMARC) wrote:
That looks like you ran out of memory when trying to play music or a

What's your memory like on your computer? And are you playing a map
pack with particularly large sound files? That might be it... at a

On 15/11/2015 19:59, Kyle Davis wrote:
i have gotten another update for the windows 7 operating system and i
now have more sound problems one is that certain sounds gets a blip
and or tick sound at the beginning of the playback and the music's
volume temporarily drops along with other sounds that might be
playing. i have also gotten this error

An error has occurred. Please notify the game creator of this error.
You can copy the entire error to your clipboard by pressing control +
C. Then you can paste it into an email by pressing control + V and
send the email tosupport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Error in the application.
-2147024882 (E_OUTOFMEMORY)
at Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Audio.Play()

at Ian.DSAudio.Play() in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\Sound\DSAudio.cs:line 53

at Ian.TBSound.Play(IHaveGameLoopState ent, String name, DSAudio&
a, DSAudioInfo& ai, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean
restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 185

at Ian.TBSound.Play(String sound, Boolean synchronous, Boolean
repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 147

at Ian.TBSound.PlayRandom(String sound, String& randSound, Boolean
synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double
start, Double end) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 95

at Ian.TBStartup.<InitWorld>b__c(String p1, String& p2) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBStartup.cs:line 173

at Ian.GameSoundContext.PlayRandom(String name, String& randName)
in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameSoundContext.cs:line 100

at Ian.GameSoundContext.PlayRandom(String name) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameSoundContext.cs:line 92

at Ian.AP.PlayActionSound(SkillOrItemBase soib, Unit curUnit, Tile
target, Boolean success, Boolean playForAllPlayers) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\ActionPerformer.cs:line 453

at Ian.AP.PerformSkill(SkillOrItemBase soib, Unit curUnit, Unit
targetUnit, Tile target, Item item, Boolean speakAsync, Boolean
suppressSpeech, Boolean announceCoords, Boolean receivedFromServer,
Boolean suppressSound) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\ActionPerformer.cs:line 148

at Ian.AP.StartCast(Unit curUnit, SkillOrItemBase soib) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\ActionPerformer.cs:line 41

at Ian.Battle.HandleUnitAction(Unit u, TBClientWorld ent) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBStates\Battle.cs:line 332

at Ian.Battle.Process(TBClientWorld ent) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBStates\Battle.cs:line 161

at Ian.SceneMachine`1.Process(T ent) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\SceneMachine.cs:line 65

at Ian.TBGameLoop.InnerSingleLoop(TBClientWorld ent,
QueuedGameInput formInput) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 59

at Ian.GameLoopLogic.RunLoops[TWorld](TWorld ent, QueuedGameInput
formInput, Action`2 runSingleLoop, Double totalElapsedSeconds, Double
fixedTimeStep) in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameLoopLogic.cs:line 31

at Ian.TBGameLoop.RunLoops(TBClientWorld ent, QueuedGameInput
formInput) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 23

at Ian.GameWindow`1.RunGameLoop() in
C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 132

at Ian.GameWindow`1.GameLoopTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 179

at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32
msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
i am wondering what is causing this error.
another note is that it happens with mp3 files that has a very high
and or very low pitch and mostly happens with sounds with 128 bit rate.

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