[harbor] MIDS and HARBOR

  • From: "Johnny Kewl" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <harbor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 20:11:08 +0200

This is my interest in it and why Harbor is perfect for this...

Full Java is licensed... the other Java's are not that good... so users want Suns Java. Device suppliers dont want to use Java, because Java is free on a PC, but if you put Java onto a device, theres a licence fee...

Now MIDs are already a grey area... I guess if Voda-whatever get hold of it and put a their Symbians engines on it... its a cell phone... and Java will have to be licensed.

A MID has a PC board and if a user puts XP on it... well I dont know... PC or Cell device... its very grey... microsoft is never going to put Suns Java on it so... the user will be doing it and I guess if Java runs on it... they wont even know they broke the law... if they did.

I imagine Suns JRE is pretty smart so maybe it will actually say... I dont know what a MID is, get a license... who knows

With Harbor we dont really care... because remember Harbor splits an application... so the main part of the application with dB engines and all the rest is running on Harbor... not the device, so that part of your application is in a legal space... the UI part of your application may be in a licensed space... so what we want to test is a "lic free java" that doesnt have to be very powerful at all because its just the UI side of the app... so Harbor will deliver only lic free Java part to the device.

You app is for the most part still running on Suns Java... the whole system is legal, you design in normal tools... simply remembering that when the app splits, the UI side is going to be on a very lite Java... and for example wont carry dB engines and XML parsers and yada yada... but thats cool because you want it to be lite on the MID... MIDS are not as powerful as PC's yet... and delivery will be faster than a browser and life is damn terrific... so thats what I'm dying to do.

The problem is that the Cell Phone guys have got the suppliers of these devices by the balls... to the extent they even seem to be actively making sure Java wont run on them...

But we know that these devices can in fact easily run the java lite and linux... so its an artificial barrier. Note I say Java Lite because its more powerful than Java ME... MIDs are much more powerful than cell phones....

So.... Harbor can make Java be everywhere, even if others dont want it there because they afraid of Java... yes, isnt it obvious... JavaME still on cell phones... are you kidding me, cell phones have long been able to do much more than Java Mobile... its all a big scam... moires law is not working on cell... what a lot of crap... look at MIDS... its definitely working.

So... you see, as we have been discovering... this IT industry is full of crap ;)

Its unbelievable actually... these MIDS are hitting the streets... but they not really running a real OS yet... isnt that the weirdest thing ever?

So Harbor can save Java from the tyranny of cell phone networks... we just finding the going a little rough saving Java all on our lonesome ;)

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  • » [harbor] MIDS and HARBOR