[harbor] Honest Moblin Thoughts on MIDS

  • From: "Johnny Kewl" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <harbor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 11:55:26 +0200

Been surfing away wondering about these new devices...
There is definitely major potential... and Intel is getting the hardware there... PC in your pocket is a possibility.... its the software thats the problem...

This is why I think Moblin is not going to work... it looks to me like its a "firmware" paradigm which convinces me even more that they thinking cell phones only...

You get this kit... and effectively you assemble a specialized kernel... you build the "image" stick this on a flash stick and load it up... nice... no, its useless.

So you give this to a user... now they want to download a game... no... there is no apt-get... you rebuild the kernel.... who is going to use that?

Why not just make a damn screen driver and let it be a standard linux, it will be a better product. At least one can download a deb file or rpm and run the thing... on the device.

Its got a built in browser.... why?... why not make a browser for the thing that is just an application... apt get... no dont like that one.... apt get another one....

So what its this kernel building moblin thing... I dont get it... unless its just a cell phone... or another play station... its not a PC?

Now contrast to XP embedded.... loading up a running an application is going to be the norm, like installing anything on your desktop...

One is an OS, the other is "firmware"... it actually makes linux go backwards.

We dont have the kind of manpower needed to make a whole OS... but if I was SUN... scrap moblin... add a basic linux... console level... (DOS) and make a JRE that runs on it... that does everything from file managers to browsing (with native calls).... and apps can be installed, dev kits are there... and theres 100 million developers ready to go.

For someone at ISV level... we have no choice... its XP embedded because you cant even install an application on this moblin thing... dont know what they thinking.

Going to wait a little while to see the first XP embedded MID devices.... and then decide, but it looks more and more like microsoft has the right model...

The linux base has potential... but then they make a damn web browsing calculator that cost more than a PC... no... its not going to work...

A device must be "opportunity".... users must look at it as a "collector" of cool apps, software developers must look at it and say, I can make cool stuff with this.... it must deliver solutions that you havnt thought about when you built the kernel... otherwise it would make a good system for an music playing vacuum cleaner....

.... I actually dont get what Intel is trying to do... makes no sense to me...

Wait and see... I think thats what every developer on the planet is doing...
Its because they not building a system that is OPPORTUNITY... I think

... I'm sitting on a network operating system that makes flex look silly... and I have to wait for microsoft to get to MIDS... sad day...

On that subject, even if they released a tiny PC that could do debian... its not enough... it has to be presented with cool easy dev kits... and a large selection of base libs... on linux you can reinvent TCP... thats not the level solution providers want to work... it must plug the whole open source world in... or its dead. Its a paradox... microsoft in this case is doing a better job of plugging you into the open source world than moblin is... I'm betting a user could load up MySql on XP embedded... on moblin... I guess you could build it into the kernel... ???

I just dont get it.... I see Harbor working on the desktop... and I know its a killer app on a MID... but its not going to happen on Moblin... I think.

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