[openbeos] Re: SK: interacting modules

  • From: Ingo Weinhold <bonefish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 22:59:56 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 14 May 2002, Axel =?iso-8859-1?q?D=F6rfler ?= wrote:

> It seems that I was wrong:
> I've written a small test programm that opens a live query and waits 10 
> seconds for an incoming message; that's what it got:


> And that's obviously a flattened BMessage!

Well, that is not very surprising, as you're supposed to get a BMessage.

> That message was triggered by a live query update from the original BFS 
> (since ours doesn't implement live queries right now).
> But its query_open() function got the same port id as I specified in my 
> test app, so there is no other entity involved.

OK, that is convincing.

> Another hint is the fact that I tested this on a Dano system; the 
> flattened BMessage format isn't compatible with the old one there (and 
> starts with 2BOFQ) - so it's the kernel which generates that BMessage, 
> and it's still generating old style flattened BMessages under Dano :-)
> So, the kernel *is* able to produce flattened BMessages!

So what does that mean? I guess, that I can neither implement BQuery nor
the node monitoring functions until there is a kernel that provides some
functionality for that pupose. :-(

CU, Ingo

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