[openbeos] Re: High speed BMessages via S-COW

  • From: "Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 21:42:54 -0500

>Hey Michael,
>Thanks for the article,
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that trips to
>kernel land were not expensive within the BeOS, since the kernel area
>was mapped into the lower portion of every process's memory area, and
>therefore trips to kernel land do not require a context switch but
>merely a switch in and out of x86 protected mode. . .

Trips to kernel land cost. Cheaper or more expensive, they still cost. I don't 
what they will finally end up costing, when we are done. If I can eliminate 
one, all
the better. :-)

>Also your article kinda reminded me of the following link about
>freebsd's copy on write implementation, if you haven't seen it before
>you'll probably find it interesting:

Very interesting article. Thanks for a good read.


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