[openbeos] Re: Bug-reporting on Mail Daemon Replacement

  • From: "Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 19:18:58 -0500

The issue with this becomes that we would have to, I think, do our our hosting
for this. We use what sourceforge provides. It would be some level of effort
required to move our web site, CVS (which SF doesn't make an easy transition 
for), bug tracking, etc.
While I am not opposed to this, conceptually, I don't have the bandwidth and we
(OBOS) don't currently have a financial status. :-) I will very seriously 
consider it,
though. Esp if, after R1, distributors start to send us fat checks in gratitude.

>i think Joachim raises a very good point. if it's going to be released
>with OpenBeOS, i think maybe it would be a good place to have
>a central database. it's seems quite silly to me to have different places
>to send bugs for every single preferences panel and daemon. doesn't
>really look much like a unified effort and it may detour people from filing
>even just a webpage with links to all the different heads and different
>could be sufficient for now. however, like what Be had, it was nice to have
>central database where people could search all bugs for OBOS. you could
>also go through and pull out nice little statistics to show how much work
>has been done. if a user runs into 3 or 4 bugs then it'd be easy to file
>a lot of them at once, in one central location.
>maybe it'd be nice to have a setup of bugzilla or other such bug database
>that is specially tailored for OBOS. i believe that one day it'll be
>and it's probably better to start early then to suddenly have this huge need
>for it
>and a huge void. it's certainly not worth a lot of engineering time, unless
>a few talented
>people out there who aren't good at kernel or BeOS programming and still
>want to help.
>my 2 euro cents,

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