[haiku-development] Re: disable fs write cache?

  • From: Marcus Jacob <rossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 09:14:50 +0200

On 01.10.2008, at 01:24, "François Revol" <revol@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Marcus Jacob wrote:

is there a way to disable the fs write cache? The recently
loss of files after a crash makes it impossible for me to work with
system anymore ...


I also experienced a loss of changes that I had made over a period of
about an hour when Haiku locked up.  When I rebooted, all the changes
that were made were gone.  Why would anyone want to keep a file
somewhere in a cache in memory instead of actually writing it back to
the file system shortly after the file is saved.  This occurred under

/me still runs Zeta for daily stuff :D
Now it can even fake windoze...

Hopefully this gets fixed and I can make the switch.

I've never used Zeta due to the dark legal cloud. As an ex-Be employee it just didn't feel right.

BeOS itself doesn't work on this machine due to chipset, ram and various other issues and the ram cannot be downgraded as it is soldered like on the Mac Air since the notebook in question is actually smaller than the Mac Air ;-)

Therefore Haiku is my only option to work on StreetPainter right now and even though it used to run very stable four weeks ago, now its unusable ;-(

Thus I would really highly appreciate a way to disable the cache. And please make the bug ticket #2781 an alpha blocker, otherwise a lot of people will have a negative experience they don't understand ...

In the meantime, how can I force a cache flush? And do we have cron?


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