[haiku-appserver] Re: Keep DisplayDriverImpl + friends compiling?

  • From: "DarkWyrm" <bpmagic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-appserver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 17:35:02 -0400 EDT

> Hello all,
> the other day I had to make some changes to the DisplayDriver API, 
> and 
> I was just wondering if any of you are still using or will be using 
> the 
> "old" DisplayDriver implementation. Until recently the 
> DisplayDriverPainter was not working under Haiku, but that seems to 
> be 
> solved (I don't have it running personally, but I couldn't boot with 
> the old DisplayDriver either). I would certainly like to keep the 
> previous implementation arround, because it contains lots of useful 
> code. Especially if we should decide to finish that implementation 
> and 
> drop Painter in favor of a faster more hardware based approach. For 
> the 
> time being though, it is kind of a hinderance to keep 
> DisplayDriverImpl 
> compiling, so I would ask for your agreement on leaving it out of the 
> build for now. If that's a problem, I will go ahead and keep it 
> compiling... 
Go right ahead as long as all code which depends on the old API is 
updated to compile (and preferably work) properly if it doesn't 
already. API changes affect three basic things: the server, all 
decorators (the default + those in src/add-ons/decorators), and the 
Appearance prefs app. While I haven't played with the server since all 
that code started flying to get ready for BeGeistert (and have no time 
ATM to do so), I'm probably safe in assuming that things are now 
working better under the Painter-based code. While it may be possible 
that someone would want to update the previous implementation, my 
impression is that there's still a very large amount of work to be done 
in order to get it working correctly. I knew there'd be significant API 
changes when we went to using AGG for a backend, so no big deal there. 


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