[hackpgh-discuss] Please help keep the shop warm and inhabitable...

  • From: Doug Philips <doug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hackpgh-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2013 02:01:56 -0500

Hey all,
   Just a quick note / heads up, esp. if you are a new member.
Despite its somewhat puny appearance, our Wall-o-Fire heater does a really good job of keeping the shop warm enough to use. Recently it seems some folks have been turning the heater back, and unfortunately the shop has been cooling off too much. Please do not turn the shop heater back unless the shop gets to be too warm (over 70 degrees, you can check the temp on our home page), and then only turn it back a little. Remember, you might be the last person leaving the shop, but you never know when someone else will be coming in.

P.S. We're quite serious about this. In the winter of 2010-2011 the shop temperatures dropped into the mid 60s. While that doesn't sound too bad, when you're there working on projects at the tables, it gets uncomfortabley cold; folks were discouraged from coming to the shop. It was bad enough that we gave serious consideration to having to move unless the heating problem was addressed, which it (fortunately) was.

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