[greenbuild] Intro: Shannon Mackey

  • From: "Shannon Mackey" <coalesce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "GREENBUILD" <greenbuild@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 22:11:53 EDT

I've lived in the Ithaca area with my wife for 2 years.  We've been 
fixing a house near Jacksonville, but really have our sights set on 
building an earth-sheltered masonry home; stone/timber from the site, 
passive solar heating, masonry heater, solar hot water, photovoltaic 
electric (and maybe wind/micro-hydro, as the site presents itself), 
rainwater catchment, composting toilets, greenhouse/gardens,-- ya know, 
your usual list of sustainable stuff.

Renewable energy systems are my area of expertise, having designed/
installed photovoltaic and micro-hydro systems as a business for people 
in the past.  I currently do energy load analysis and site energy 
resource consultation for people.  Basically, I study your power usage 
and recommend the most effective ways to improve efficiency, and study 
your site to determine amount of power that may be gained through 
photovoltaics/wind/water.  I use a Solar Pathfinder tool to determine 
the optimum site and maximum percentage of solar energy that can be 
gathered. Based on this information, if you wish, I can generate some 
ballpark cost figures for various systems to cover likely scenarios at 
your site.  I do not currently sell equipment, but have experience with 
many of the renewable energy equipment brands and companies, and 
several years of living with photovoltaic power systems.  For this 
service, I trade Ithaca Hours or straight time of your suitable 
expertise or service.

I look forward to working with all of you as we build our sustainable 
lives together.


Shannon Mackey

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  • » [greenbuild] Intro: Shannon Mackey