[gpsbug] Re: Saturday

  • From: John Edwards <editor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Mark D'Etcheverry <m.detcheverry@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "WhiteShoal (((('Gpsbug@Freelists. Org '))))" <gpsbug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:26:07 -0400

It's actually a Fid, not a Dib. A fid is used to open a three-strand line for splicing. A similar tool, a marlin spike, is made of steel and is used to open steel cable strands. Three-strand line is still used by some of us for docklines and anchor lines, but little else. The fid could also be used to impale vampires, but you would probably need a longer one. The fid you have is made of black walnut, and your guest was correct. It was rubbed down with a high grade furniture wax that has citrus acid as an ingredient.
John E.

On Mar 16, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Mark D'Etcheverry wrote:


The crew of "In Concert" met to discuss how we can show our gratitude for your generous hospitality. We have a very special (but limited time) offer. On two of the scheduled race days, "In Concert" will enter the course early (as a non-participant) thus affording you the opportunity to pass at least
one craft on the day.

John E: Your gift.....it is called a "Dib" right? It garnered lots of attention. Spawned debate about the scent.....I say unnatural, probably a citrus smelling varnish. Some want to defend it as natural. What say you?
And thanks.....already added to "In Concert's" tool box.......

Best Regards to all.......Mark

-----Original Message-----
From: gpsbug-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:gpsbug- bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of John Edwards
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 8:42 AM
To: WhiteShoal (('Gpsbug@Freelists. Org '))
Subject: [gpsbug] Saturday

Saturday night was indeed a blast, and we have John and Becky to
thank for hosting it. Richard mentioned efforts to get more boats out
of Leeward this spring. If I can help in any way, I'd be happy to do
so. On race days, though, the challenge will be getting Recovery out
of the Pagan. Bob Shoal is getting shallower and shallower.
Thanks again to the Wandlings.
John E

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