[gmpi] Re: where we at

  • From: Mike Berry <mberry@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 22:07:49 -0600

Tim Hockin wrote:

Perhaps I focus too much on details, but THAT is what seems to be the
important.  Fundamental issues that relate to the overall model.

Also, I apologize for seemingly taking over things.  I know Ron is busy, and
no one has complained, so I've just kept it up.  Anyone who'd do a better
job is welcome to do so, I just warn you that I am an opinionated bastard.

I think you have done a good job Tim. I think, however, that in general we need to move forward faster. If there are issues that are not fully resolved, they will likely come up in later discussions when people begin to feel the impact. I think a lot of people have been hanging back on the current issues because they felt that it didn't really matter to them one way or the other. And that's cool, and if we get to the end and there still isn't a problem with the provisional decisions that were made, wel then they stop being provisional. But, perhaps more likely, we will circle back to them with insight gained for later topics.

Mike Berry
Adobe Systems

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