[gmpi] Re: DirectShow review

  • From: RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 09:16:29 -0400

> I meant - how are arbitrary type supported?  If I want to do math in
supa-precicion 121 bit floating point, how do I define that?

Other data types are specified by different values in the WAVEFORMATEX
struct.  In other words, when you want to connect pins, you first create a
"media type" object for the data type of the connection.  You pass this
object into the graph API for connecting pins.  If both pins agree on the
type (based on what the plugin supports), the connection succeeds.

So to connect at 121 bit float, you would set wFormatTag to
WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT, nBitsPerSample to 121 (as if...), and off you go.

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