[gmpi] Re: BeOS API summary

  • From: "Ben Loftis" <ben@xxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 09:03:03 CDT

>Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 09:33:23 -0700
>From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: [gmpi] Re: BeOS API summary
>On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 08:48:01AM -0500, Ben Loftis wrote:
>> It is very terse but I hope it answers the needed questions.  Personally I
>> think the BeOS API exemplifies many of the issues we have discussed...
>> threading, time representation, parameters and audio formats.  A lot of
>> thought obviously went into this design;  It would be nice to see it
>> perpetuated.
>Not to compain too much, but there's hardly any meat there.  The reviews
>need more meat so we can figure out what is good and bad about each system.
>Just answering 'yes' or 'no' doesn't help. Tell us how things work, what is
>good and bad about them, what is worth keeping and what is worth changing.

Point taken, but I think it's most useful to see the overall design scope.. 
i.e. what features did they feel were required?  The implementation is a 
different matter entirely, and when the time comes the API is available and 
well-documented to anyone who cares.  I included a few function names simply as 
a reference so the interested reader can investigate further.

As to whether it works well, unfortunately we can't know... immediately after 
releasing the Media Kit, Be shifted focus to the "internet appliance" market 
and so sealed their fate (frustrating many audio companies in the process).  I 
made a few small apps with the media kit but I am no expert.

I'd like to see a detailed description of heavy hitters like VST, etc before I 
spend time re-documenting the BeOS API! 

-Ben Loftis
UI Designer
GLW, inc

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