[gha-peace] Re: Poema

  • From: Leo Semashko <leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Egisto Salvi" <egisto.salvi@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 11:11:44 +0400

Dear Egisto,

Many thanks for your wonderful peace poem, which I would be happy publish in
our GPS book
(www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585), if your will send me your info:
Work, Education, Address, Publications, Web, Email.

Best wishes for peace from harmony based on science,


Dr Leo Semashko:
State Councillor of St. Petersburg, Russia;
Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony;
Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute;
Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005;
Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org
Global Peace Science from Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585
Peace Science Video: http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA;

----- Original Message -----
From: Egisto Salvi, egisto.salvi@xxxxxxxx
To: leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: 30 апреля 2015 г., 22:50:27
Subject: [gha-peace] Re: Poema

de notre ambassadeur EGISTO SALVI ITALIA
votre indulgence pour les traductions merci !


La paix sur la terre est possible,
Car il aime son peuple
Et il désire qu'en chaque coeur
Partout, soit un royaumes la paix.
La paix planètaire cependant on ne l'a créee pas
Ni avec la pensèe
Ni avec la raison
Ni avec l'idèologie.
La paix est aussi belle qu'exigeante:
pour vivre entre peuples, il y a besoin
d'un trèpied:
Aujourd'hui, aux premières lueurs du jour
du troisième millènaire:
l'ère digital, l'ère web,
triomphe des technologies;
la paix, n'a pas encore
de domicile stable sur la terre,
parce que l'humanitè n'a pas de bases solides
pour la mériter.
La paix est un cadeau divin
Et Dieu rassurera ses fils
Si ils le méritent.


Peace on the earth is possible,
As Godloves his people
And he wishes that in every heart and
In every place, rigns peace.
However planetary peace doesn't created
Neither with thought
Neither with reason
Neither wth ideology
Peaceis very beautiful as demanding:
lo live amongpeople, it needs
A tripod:
Today, by the first dawns of the third millennium:
digital age, web age,
and technology triumph,
Peace deosn't have yet
stable abode on the earth,
because humanity doesn't have solid bases
to deserve it.
peace is a divine gift
and God will give peace to hischildren
if theywill deserve it.


La paz cobre la tierra es posible,
Ya que Dios quiere su pueblo
Y desea que en cada corazòn y
En cada lugar, reina la paz.
La paz planetaria pero no se crea
Ni con el pensamiento
Ni con la razòn
Ni con la ideologia.
La paz es tan bonota como exigente:
para vivir entre pueblos,necesita
de un tripode:
Hoy,a las primeras alboradas del torcer milenio:
era digital, era veb,
triunfo de las tecnologias;
la paz no tiene todavia
estable morada sobre la tierra,
porque la humanidad no tiene bases sòlidas
para merecersela.
La paz es regalo divino
Y Dios darà paz a sus hijos
Cuando si la merecieran


Paz na terra é possível,
Porque ele ama o seu povo
E ele quer que em cada coração
Em todos os lugares, também uma paz de reinos.
Paz planetária no entanto ele não criou
Nem com o pensamento
Nem com a razão
Nem com a ideologia.
A paz também é bonita e exigente:
para viver entre as pessoas, é necessário
um tripé:
Hoje, na primeira luz do dia
o terceiro milênio:
a era digital, a era da web.
tecnologias de triunfo;
paz, ainda não foi
lar estável na terra,
Porque a humanidade tem sem bases
para ganhar.
A paz é um dom divino
E Deus vão tranquilizar seus filhos
Se eles merecem.


Возможно, мир на земле
Потому что он любит свой народ
И он хочет, что в каждом сердце
Везде, либо королевств мира.
Планетарные мира однако она создала не
Ни с мыслью
Ни с причиной
Ни с идеологией.
Мир является также, красивых и требовательных:
жить среди людей, есть необходимость
Сегодня в первом свете дня
в третьем тысячелетии:
цифровой эры, в эпоху web.
Триумф технологий;
мир пока не
сохранились дома на земле,
потому что человечество не баз
чтобы заработать.
Мир — это божественный дар
И Бог будет успокоить его сыновья
Если они заслуживают.


Ce courrier électronique ne contient aucun virus ou logiciel malveillant parce
que la protection Antivirus avast! est active.

----- Original Message -----
From: Leo Semashko
To: ekahan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: gha-peace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:16 PM
Subject: [gha-peace] Re: Our positive contribution to the victory over fascism
and war today

Dear Ernesto,

YES! Very well!!

Best wishes for peace from harmony based on science,


----- Original Message -----
From: ekahan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ekahan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: 30 апреля 2015 г., 18:06:46
Subject: [gha-peace] Re: Our positive contribution to the victory over
fascism and war today

Dear Leo dear all
I am in Argentina not too much working with my PC. This announcement
about the Two significant dates for the GHA are approaching. May 1 as
Love Day on the Harmonious Era Calendar, which was proposed by Harold
Becker to it in 2006, and May 9 as Day of Victory over fascism and
war!, is important for the GHA message. AGREE COMPLETELY.
The world must maintain this two memorial days because the events that
marks changed the humankind in a significant positive way
Ernesto Kahan

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD University Professor - Poet – Physician
Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Academician of Honor - International Academy of Sciences, Technology,
Education and Humanities (AICTEH) - Spain
1st Vice President - World Academy of Arts and Culture USA
Former Vice President of IPPNW (Association awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize)Co-President -UHE- International Union of Hispano-American Writers
GHA World Harmony Creator and Vice Chair. Global Harmony Association (GHA).

Quoting Leo Semashko <leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>:

Dear Johan,

Thank you very much for your wonderful, objective article about
Russia. I'll be happy to publish it in Russian and English in our
book “Global Peace Science”. Just let me please the two proposals.

1.The article title supplements as: “The West Against Itself.
Without Russia, Where Would We Have Been?” - Do you agree with this

2. Make the article first paragraph more understandable for
Russians: definition of the West (why Mexico?), why the West against
itself, etc.? - These amendments are possible for you? Thank you.

With love and peace from harmony, Leo

----- Original Message -----
From: Johan Galtung, galtung@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: 29 апреля 2015 г., 18:38:36
Subject: [gha-peace] Re: Our positive contribution to the victory
over fascism and war today

Dear Leo -- please find attached my editorial this week about
this--maybe you can give it some publicity in Russian? Johan

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Leo Semashko <leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear GHA members, friends!

Two significant dates for the GHA are approaching. May 1 as Love Day
on the Harmonious Era Calendar, which was proposed by Harold Becker
to it in 2006, and May 9 as Day of Victory over fascism and war!

GHA is happy to congratulate all of the members, friends and people
of good, peace-loving will with these holidays of humanity and wish
everyone peace and love from harmony, never to have been wars since
the 21th century, what our "Global Peace Science" (GPS) is serving!

The GHA positive contribution in them is the creation of the first
in the world and history "Global Peace Science"
(http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585), which shows for all
the nations and to every human, HOW can be built global peace on
Earth and, thus, HOW can be excluded war on our small planet,
starting with 21 century on a scientific basis.

Both dates are inseparable from peace and harmony. Love - it's
always a life that is always peace from harmony, as opposed to war,
which is always - death, murder and hatred. The Victory over fascism
as the most cruel, merciless incarnation of war, death, murder, hate
is victory over them Love, Life and Peace from Harmony!

We know WHO today represents the dictatorial world order of constant
war, hatred and death, identical to fascism in all forms and WHO
opposes it and fights for an alternative world order of global
Peace, Love and Life. This scientific knowledge gives us GPS. It
reveals to us the laws, ways and institutions of nonviolent victory
of peace, love and life over war, hatred and death.

But GPS as the first and weak scientific sprout of global Peace,
Love and Life, which arose only after more than two centuries after
the birth of military science, i.e. science of wars, hatred and
death, needs a strong support that it has not been trampled by the
boot of war and hatred.

In this connection, the GHA invites all those who cherish peace,
love and life, to support the first public participation of GPS in
Russian Contest "Civil Initiatives" at the address:
http://premiagi.ru/initiative/1631. We ask to circulate this address
among your friends, students and children – it will be the best
lesson of global peace for them!
It will be your worth real contribution to the Love Day and Victory
Day! Thank you very much!

The brief instructions and a list of addresses see below and in the

With love and peace from harmony,

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=644
In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=618

"Global Peace Science":
Support in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory over fascism!
That there were no more wars!

EVALUATE on 5 (desirable) points in the 3 categories.
VOTE selected evaluation.
COMMENTS, least one word!
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All this is done at the address below,
Which gets every supporter of peace and an opponent of war:


That there were no more wars beginning with the 21st century!

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