[geocentrism] Re: geocentrist banned after one post

  • From: Mike <mboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 12:42:50 +0100

Gary L. Shelton wrote:
> Group, I had a rise on the BA the other day when I noticed another
> geocentric poster named Thaxted appear.  Knowing he would be in for a
> rough ride I sent him a private message welcoming him.  I don't know
> he ever received it because the very next day he showed as "BANNED"
> below his name on his one and only post.  Since the BA has been fair
> and straightforward to my presence there, I can only assume he tried
> to send an offensive post in some manner in response to the replies
> to his first post (which was itself harmless enough).   Don't really
> know.   It sure was a quick up and disappointing down.  I thought I
> was the only one over there....
 > In an earlier thread this year two other geocentric posters, Yannox
 > and Oyvey, were banned as well.  I'll need to look into that some
 > more to see what happened there.  That was before my time.

Here's what Celestial Mechanics said on the "BANNED Posters" thread:

"Getting back to the thread topic, I see that Thaxted has been banned 
after one post. Thaxted appears to be the latest avatar of 
Dunash/Prince/Yul/Yannox/Armilus/Oyvey. The use of hard returns instead 
of line-wrap and referring to that tired old Barbour and Bertotti paper 
that all the geocentrist web sites refer to was a dead giveaway. When 
will he/she ever learn?"

> I did get an admonishment  from the BA early on in my posting there
> (for no reason except to proactively tell me, possibly) that they do
> not tolerate attacks on other people, only their ideas.  I know they
> were constantly monitoring me, therefore.

You were judged by association I guess.  But you seem to be genuinely 
interested to learn the conventional point of view (whether or not you 
ultimately reject it), have engaged in discussion, and have not 
descended into ad hominims despite some provacation so there's no reason 
to ban you.  You will have noticed that people have warmed towards you 
despite your different views/beliefs.


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