[geocentrism] Who is loony?

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "geocentrism list" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 06:36:26 +1000

Steven said: "If you think I'm a loony for doing so then don't hesitate to say 
so! But it's interesting, and worth a look I think." 

I would rather a loony open minded "check everything" approach person than 
closed minded bigots who are like ostriches following blindly, never 
discovering anything in their lives.  

You are not loony, but by your own admission you are not scientifically trained 
in  basic physics, having more the artistic temperament. Such people are more 
open to being conned by a clever illusionist. A really excellent con-man once 
told me, that the best con men are those who believe their own con, and that 
they are the best victims for other conmen. He was an excellent extraordinary 

I did the course, and it was awesome to feel the power it gave one over people. 
It was not in my nature to continue using it after my first taste. 

It consisted in basic form of putting the victim literally in the position of 
knowing with absolute certainty that he was "stupid" if he answered NO to ANY  
"will you...." question. 

For me, this list has been a very great social experience. People with 
extremely antagonistic points of view towards Catholicism for example have been 
able to still remain in social conversation even on doctrinal subjects without 
the explosion of hatred that is so evident in the world today. I think it has 
been the moderating influence of your father which has been responsible for 
this unusual phenomenom. However I was surprised to learn about the recent 
events behind the scenes. It seems that this hatred, can be levelled at 
anybody, Catholic or not, who do not subscribe to the ABSOLUTISM of the Bible. 

Now back to concave or flat earth theories. Galleleo was never condemned for 
experimenting with the Copernican theories. In fact he was encouraged. But 
Galleleo was of the cabbalistic/alchemy school that Newton followed secretly. 
These had not the grace of God, and had no desire at all to hold fast to 
tradition, or in this Light to thoroughly TEST all things. You are right in 
being cautious with regard to unique alternatives, which cannot withstand the 
investigation of true science. But there is no condemnation in the study. 

If you had read the article I forwarded from Dr. Robert Bennett, called The 
atheist indoctrination project  ..  By Dinesh D'Souza.   You  will appreciate 
the dangers to which I am referring. 


PS  A good article showing how Copernicus was not fearful of the church, but 
rather his contemporaries in science, in regard to publishing his theory. 

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