[geocentrism] Re: What, when and where is Hell?

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:23:45 -0800 (PST)

"immortality of the human soul"...........I can only speak of the scriptures 
that describe the eternal condition of those who Obey God v those who do 
not.......one is eternal destruction Matthew 18:8 & 25:41-46 the other is 
everlasting life Matthew 19:9 et al.........  exactly what constitutes 
"Immorality of the soul", I know nothing outside of scriptures descriptions 
about after death......and the fact that it specifies that we do not yet know 
what we shall be. 1John 3:2........although the dead I'm sure by now do know 
since Christ is come and after death is the judgment  Hebrews 9:27...and we are 
rasied up resurected only after we die...1Chorinthians 15:35-53..& 1John 
3:2.......So the concept of the "immortality of the human soul"  can only be 
viewed, validated, describe and defined from the limited information found in 
scriptures descriptions, not what I or anyone thinks or feels about scriptures 
descriptions, certainly not extrapolations of what scripture does not
 stste...If we "knew" every detail of the afterlife there would not be Hope for 
hope that is seen is not hope Romans 8:23-25..
  j a <ja_777_aj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  Thanks for going through all that, I really enjoyed reading it. Sorry for the 
delay in saying so.
  Futher along the subject line, I have a question. How do you view the concept 
of the immortality of the human soul?

Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    I did not attempt to address every verse of scripture regarding hell.....I 
found this it seemed a good all around expose of the thinking and doctrine of 
Universalism....although sometimes I am little sarcastic.. 
  NOTE: I am not nor are my points attempting to validate or invalidate the 
doctrine of purgatory which is a separate but interesting discussion in and of 
itself. The primary issue here under consideration here is the assertions based 
on circular fallacies of the universalist doctrine that there is no "eternal 
punishment" (....as described in all of scripture:)) ... That eternal 
punishment is also known or commonly referred to as hell but the name is not 
nearly as important as the condition it denotes.
  All of the Objections to "Hell" are either an emotional appeal or convoluted 
and logically void arguments concerning the use of terminology such as Gehenna, 
Hell, Sheol, or the Grave. All of the arguments miss the real issue which is 
not what is "the scary term" is but rather the descriptions of the eternal 
condition of the Godly vs the eternal condition of the unrighteousness. Eternal 
punishment is not eternal punishment because of "hell". Rather "Hell" will be 
"Hell" because scripture defines and outlines a eternal punishment for the 
ungodly regardless of a name or not......The choice of the term for its 
location is only "the" issue if the descriptions of the condition for the 
unrighteous were based on the term used. However, the term, what ever you chose 
to translate it as, gets its meaning not intrinsically but rather from the 
context and the descriptions of conditions of those who are in "Sheol" or the 
grave or "Hades"....even in the English language the same term
 can have multiple meanings depending on context or how it is used.... Also I 
can move to Phoenix but giving you the name of where I go does not tell you 
what my condition is. It does not tell you if I live in a 5 million dollar 
house or I live in a condemned crack house on the backside of a garbage dump. 
These arguments like many others attempt to focus and define a terms external 
of context and then attempt to use that definition to define and or ignore & or 
invalidate the context. As of the OT we mostly have descriptions of the 
afterlife not necessarily definitive names for every aspect of it. It is the 
descriptions that we are to fear not a "scary" name. Context is what gives any 
term its meaning. If I say I am going to the "funny farm" that would be a good 
right?......... the terms "funny" and "farm" those are benign terms in and of 
themselves.......could sound like I am going to some wonderful place if you 
just focus on the terms external of the
 context.........someone who does not know the context of how those terms are 
used might think it is a wonderful place of laughter and farm 
animals........... a great place for the kids and whole family right?...( 
Sounds like Disney land I have been there........... great place I highly 
recommend it....!?)......... It is only by virtue of context that one 
understands is not some place you want to end up, particularly if someone 
describes even without naming it the "funny farm".
  If my daughter is in Hell because she did not get "born again" then I'd 
rather go to Hell and be with her than to be with your God because there would 
be more love in Hell than near your vindictive God."
  Emotional argument............... it?s only bases and relevance is in the 
eyes of one who Judges God as vindictive in his own mind external of how God 
describes himself ...which is itself void of any scripture describing the 
nature of God for God lays claim to vengeance for himself.
  Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place 
unto wrath: for it is written,Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. 

  Sure the easiest way to demonstrate any false doctrine is ignore any 
scripture that disputes it and attempt to "interprete" those scriptures in 
light of your arguments....just through everything out the window that does not 
agree with what you have decided it is......How do they determine that any love 
will be in "hell" where did scripture imply love would be in hell? God is love 
and to Love is Godly, those that go to "Hell" do not have love........ "love" 
for self doesn?t count because the Love in context is love of God..and it is 
God who defines terms who said that you don?t love him if you don?t obey 
him..................of course if one is going to define the terms themselves 
external of scripture then force God and scripture to live with their 
definitions then this argument makes perfect sense...................but it 
cannot be logically demonstrated outside that circular fallacy. 
  "How can you say burning someone alive forever is "just" or "fair" for 
everyone who hasn't accepted Jesus Christ? Even we humans fit the punishment to 
the crime. According to you, Christians, people are destined to be burned in 
Hell whether we are bad or not. Just being born into this world is grounds for 
being endlessly tortured. You say the punishment is the same regardless of the 
number of sins committed or how bad they were. This is not justice--this is 
  "Infinite punishment for finite crimes just doesn't seem just."
  "Whether we are Bad or not"..Interesting How do you define those terms 
external of the Commandment of Christ? If by Christ, then those who go to 
"hell" are not Good by virtue of God?s definition of good......... the same 
good God who gives man the opportunity to escape via his son Christ ...
  "Insanity" as defined by people...but Christ did not come to preach the 
Gospel according to mans reasoning....
  "Even we Humans Fit the Punishment to the crime"...How does one objectively 
define that? ..death or life in prison is as permanent of a situation as it 
relates to this life as hell dose to the next but we put people to death or 
life behind bars for a moment of murder....what is the definition of fair? Who 
gets to make that determination for God.."the moral majority"..............?? 
  "I could never torture people endlessly, especially my own children. How can 
you say that God will do that to His children? This seems hideous. You make God 
look like a monster worse than Hitler, not a loving Father Who would even die 
for His enemies!"
  Define Loving....Emotional, external of any objective definition of Who God 
is and What God has already done for man...certainly not God?s definition of 
Love.....evil seems good to may people and good seems evil to many..who cares 
what you think? Why should God define his actions based on how it seems to you? 
  "If Hell is real and the greatest part of humanity went there, how could you 
HONESTLY say that 'Love NEVER fails?' Seems like Love fails most of the time 
according to your understanding of things." (I Cor. 13:8)
  People that end up in hell do not do so as a result of love or loves 
failure.........they end up in hell due to their failure to 
love........2Thesolonians 2:9.................... God so loved the world that 
he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth should not parish but 
have everlasting life. (John 3:16)....God dose not force anyone to obey him.
  "If the wages of sin is eternal punishment in Hell, then Jesus would have to 
be eternally punished if in fact He died for my sins. But the Bible says the 
wages of sin is death which is exactly what Jesus did--died. So how can you say 
people will be eternally tortured in Hell? Is Jesus presently being eternally 
tortured in place of those who accepted Him as Lord?
  Hebrews 9:23: It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the 
heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with 
better sacrifices than these. 24: For Christ is not entered into the holy 
places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven 
itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: 25: Nor yet that he should 
offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year 
with blood of others; 26: For then must he often have suffered since the 
foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared 
to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27: And as it is appointed unto 
men once to die, but after this the judgment: 28: So Christ was once offered to 
bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the 
second time without sin unto salvation. 
  ..Now this may not satisfy those folk............ but then again... that is 
the whole point is it not..what man states in red v Scripture in 
black..........2Thesolonians 2:10: And with all deceivableness of 
unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the 
truth, that they might be saved. 11: And for this cause God shall send them 
strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12: That they all might be 
damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 
  If Hell is real and describes a real place, why does the English word "Hell" 
come from a pagan source instead of the ancient Hebrew writings of the Bible? 
Why is the word "Hell" not found in the Jew's Bible which is the Christian's 
Old Testament? Furthermore, the word "Hell" has completely disappeared from the 
Old Testament Scriptures in most leading Bibles. Why? Because the best 
scholarship demands it. (The word "Hell" comes from the Teutonic "Hele" goddess 
of the underworld "Hell" of northern Europe. The description of this ancient 
mythological place has very little resemblance anymore to the modern Christian 
image of Hell. See any Encyclopedia or dictionary for the origin of the word.) 
Seeing that the Bible is supposed to be "Holy," why have pagan religious words 
been added to our modern English Bibles? Please understand, the English word 
"Hell" and its concepts are NOT in the Hebrew nor Greek. They come into the 
English through Northern European mythologies, NOT from
 the roots of Christianity. 
  Its concepts are most certainly found in the OT even if it is not named 
specifically "hell"
  If Hell is real and it is a place of eternally being separated from God, why 
does David say in the King James Bible, "Though I make my bed in Hell (Sheol) 
lo, Thou art there? (Again please note, most Christian Bibles NO LONGER have 
the word "Hell" in the Old Testament. The KJV written over 350 years ago is an 
exception. The Jews do NOT put the word "Hell" in their English translations of 
the Hebrew Scriptures, that is, the Old Testament and the leading English 
Christian Bibles have removed it because it is NOT in the originals. Most 
Christian scholars now acknowledge it should never have been placed there in 
the first place.) 
  Translate the term "Hell" into the "Magic Kingdom" if you wish, .....but as 
with any terminology in the OT/NT context defines the what it is...and whatever 
it is, the OT as well as the NT describe it as fire kindled not quenched smoke 
that rises forever...You either accept the those descriptions of what ever term 
you whish to translate it as or you reject it but in any case the origins of 
"root words" does not determine if the term was ever used or not assuming you 
can with %100 certainty know what those origins were..since language itself 
originated from God.....the question remains what you believe and why not that 
this demonstrates anything except how you feel about what you have read. In 
fact if you want to get rid of the term altogether you would still be left with 
descriptions of a unnamed location/condition that still does not mean you would 
like to be there.
  If Hell as a place of everlasting tortures was the real fate of all mankind 
unless they did something here on earth to prevent it, why didn't God make that 
warning plain right at the beginning of the Bible? God said the penalty for 
eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was DEATH. He did NOT 
define death as eternal life being forever tortured in burning fire and 
  What difference does it make? Why not go one step further and demand that God 
have made Adam to actually experience Death & or Hell so that he would know 
exactly what he would be missing since without a frame of reference how could 
ADAM possibly have understood God & or the term "death" or any term of a 
consequence for that matter......what would "death" have meant to ADAM? How do 
you know how Adam did or did not understand God & the term "Death"..since it 
was God who was communicating with Adam in the first place?..eternal punishment 
even in pagan religions was believed and goes just about as far back as far as 
any thing else can be traced.....where did they get that idea?..........for 
that matter,, IF heaven is a real place Why didn?t God make that plain right at 
the beginning of the Bible.....Further, we should demand that God let us in 
heaven first to experience/define it for us so we would at least know exactly 
what we are fighting for if heaven is
  If Hell was real why didn't Moses warn about this fate in the Ten 
Commandments or the Mosaic Covenant consisting of over 600 laws, ordinances, 
and warnings? The Mosaic Law simply stated blessings and cursings IN THIS 
LIFETIME for failure to keep the Mosaic Law. 
  It does not specify "this lifetime" it specifies a everlasting curse and a 
everlasting blessing...this lifetime is not everlasting...? Galatians 3:13 
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law
  If Hell is real and if good people go to heaven and bad people go to Hell, 
why does EVERYONE, good or bad, go to the same place in the Old Testament? They 
ALL go to Sheol which the King James Version translated "Hell" thirty-0ne 
times, "grave" thirty-one times and "pit" three times? Are we all destined to 
go to Hell or did the King's translators make some gross translational errors? 
  Everyone did go to the grave or sheol..... the same place after they died but 
just like when you go to any location some live happily and some miserable. The 
name of a location itself does not necessarily determine the condition under 
which people exist in "the grave" the OT is replete with the condition of 
unrighteous folk compared to the righteous who are in the grave or 
sheol...sheol is the name of the location after death not necessarily the 
condition of the one there..the ungodly are said never get out of the "what 
ever you what to translate it as" the godly are promised redemption.... 
  If Hell is real, why don't the Jews, many who know the Old Testament better 
than most Christians, not believe in the modern Christian concept of Hell? They 
say they don't believe it because it is not in their Scriptures. Most scholars 
today can not find Hell in the Old Testament. Most leading Bible translations 
no longer contain the word Hell in the entire Old Testament. (Genesis through 
Malachi.) Moot point since it is the descriptions of the contrasted difference 
between the Godly and ungodly that is specifically addressed as worrisome and 
any terminology that would or could be used only has any meaning from those 
descriptions not the other way around.
  If Hell doesn't exist in the Old Testament, how could Jesus and his disciples 
teach that salvation was deliverance from a place that is not even found in 
their Scriptures? (There was only the Old Testament at that time.) Would that 
not make Him appear like a false teacher? Or could it be that Jesus never 
taught such a concept in the first place? Could it be that this concept has 
been added to the church and SOME Bibles through "traditions of men?" 
  The statement that hell does not exist has yet to be demonstrated as correct 
and is one of the underlying premise for the circular fallacy these arguments 
attempt to put forward.. .........The unpleasant condition of the unrighteous 
is replete throughout the OT & NT even if it is not given a specific named 
location in the OT ...They are assuming that if it is not specifically named 
therefore it does not exist...............the Condition is what is described in 
detail even if you argue the location is not named...the condition of the 
righteous and unrighteous is far more informative then a name.....Ref: 
"everlasting" see how and with what it is used......If one is going to attempt 
to use the OT references as proof that "Hell" does not exist then where does 
the OT does it say that "Hell" does not exist? ( note the quotation 
marks........ Use whatever term they like..if they don?t like "hell" then use 
"fluffy bunny rabbit ears" but at the end of the day the scripture
 outlines a condition of the wicked which is contrasted to the godly and it is 
that condition that is the problem issue...Any term used to denote that 
condition described only has meaning in relation to those descriptions not the 
other way around.) They are attempting to use a non issue to define the issue.
  If Hell is real, since SOME English translations use the word Hell for the 
Greek word "Gehenna," in the New Testament, why didn't this same place 
(Gehenna) get translated Hell in the many places where it appears in the Hebrew 
form "ga ben Hinnom" in the Old Testament? If the Jews did not understand this 
valley as a symbol of everlasting torture, why do SOME English translations 
give this word such a meaning? 
  First this is not the only description for the Ungodly therefore they should 
have listened to all the scripture and not as this argument attempt to do and 
just focus on the "favorites" and use the favorites to supercede any and 
everything else...also Titus 1:10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers 
and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
  11. Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things 
which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. 
  And who burned who in this valley? And what was God's response for Israel 
doing such a horrible thing to their children? (Jer. 32:33-35) And how could 
God say "such a thing never entered His mind" if in fact He is going to do the 
very same thing to most of His own children? 
  The OT may use identical translated terminology found in places of the NT or 
other places found in the OT but it is defined as with everything else by 
context..to be in Sheol or the grave or Hell if so translated does not 
necessarily define the condition of those that are there particularly since the 
judgment of "eternal Hell" did not begin until...Matthew 25:31. When the Son of 
man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he 
sit upon the throne of his glory: 32. And before him shall be gathered all 
nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth 
his sheep from the goats: 33. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but 
the goats on the left. 34. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, 
Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the 
foundation of the world: 35. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was 
thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took
 me in: 36. Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in 
prison, and ye came unto me. 37. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, 
Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee 
drink? 38. When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed 
thee? 39. Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40. And 
the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye 
have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto 
me. 41. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye 
cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42. For I 
was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 
43. I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: 
sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44. Then shall they also answer 
him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or
 athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister 
unto thee? 45. Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, 
Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 
46. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into 
life eternal.
  .....................1Peter 4:17: For the time is come that judgment must 
begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be 
of them that obey not the gospel of God? 18: And if the righteous scarcely be 
saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 
  The sacrificing of their Children to God in a fire is what had not entered 
into God?s mind... not fire itself.....which also points out that if was not in 
Gods mind how did it get in theirs?..umm,,, His own children.......None of 
God?s children will be in hell only children of the devil/ rebellion/ 
perdition.Matthew 25:31. When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all 
the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32. 
And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one 
from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33. And he shall 
set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
  If Hell was real and the grave settled the matter forever, why did the early 
Christians offer up prayers for the dead? (Ref. # 1)
  I did not read where the Apostles taught that but I do read where we were not 
to think beyond what is written...?ummm
  If Hell was real, why did the first comparatively complete systematic 
statement of Christian doctrine ever given to the world by Clement of 
Alexandria, A.D. 180, contain the tenet of universal salvation? (Ref. #1) 
  If Hell was real, why did the first complete presentation of Christianity 
(Origen, 220 A.D.) contain the doctrine of universal salvation? (Ref #1) 
  Wow!...."the first complete presentation of Christianity" ........Colossians 
1:6 For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in 
the word of the truth of the gospel;6Which is come unto you, as it is in all 
the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye 
heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth: 
  If Hell was real, why did the early church appoint an avowed universalist as 
the President of the second council of the church in Constantinople in the 
fourth century? (Gregory Nazianzen, 325-381) 
  If Hell was real, why did Church leaders as late as the fourth century AD 
acknowledge that the majority of Christians believed in the salvation of all 
mankind? (Ref, #1)
  If Hell was real, why didn't the church teach it until AFTER the church 
departed from reading the Bible in Greek and Hebrew, substituting Latin in its 
stead several centuries after Christ's death? (Ref #1, 2, 7) If Hell was real, 
why did not a single Christian writer of the first 3 centuries declare 
universalism as a heresy? (Ref. #1)
  If Hell was real why didn't a single one of the early creeds express any idea 
contrary to universal restoration, or in favor of everlasting punishment in 
Hell? (Ref. #1)
  If Hell was real why did not a single Church council for the first five 
hundred years condemn Universalism as heresy considering the fact that they 
made many declarations of heresy on other teachings? (Ref. #1) 
  If Hell was real, why did most of the early church's leading scholars and 
most revered saints advocate universal salvation? (Ref. #1) 
  If Hell was real, how is it that the most prominent universalists of the 
early church were born into Christian families and were most highly revered by 
their peers while those who advocated Hell came from paganism and confessed 
they were among the vilest? (Tertullian and Augustine) (Ref. #1) 
  ....As if the writings of the "Early Church fathers" carry as much or even 
more weight and authority then the actually writings of the Prophets & Apostles 
themselves....if they don?t then why do they use them while ignoring what is 
found in scripture (Use the Early Church fathers to determine the meaning of 
the P&A) .......if they do carry as much or more weight then how do they know 
they interpreted the "early church fathers" writings correctly? 
  Salvation is Universal (it is for everyone) but that is not the same thing as 
all mankind will be saved obedient or disobedient.....you don?t get the free 
gift if you do not bother to call out.......Our adherence is not to the 
"early".Christians, it is to the teachings of Christ via the written testimony 
of scripture and the Apostles ..the first Christians did not believe that all 
mankind was going to be saved that is why they worked tirelessly, warning folk 
about the fire that did not exist..?..To say that they did not is what these 
arguments are attempting to prove it therefore cannot be assumed true as the 
proof that it is true (eternal punishment is specifically found in scripture 
where "eternal punishment does not exist" is not,... it could only be true if 
you assert it is true first then use that assertion as the premise for 
ignoring/ interpreting any and all specific descriptions of eternal punishment 
or curses to make that argument, ..circular fallacy)
 .........Also if you are going to use the "early Christians" argument then you 
have no excuse for not accepting Roman & or Greek orthodoxy since those "early 
Christians" adhered/ defined them. 
  If Hell was real and found in the original Greek manuscripts of the Bible, 
why is it that it was primarily those church leaders who either couldn't read 
Greek (Minucius Felix, Tertullian), or hated Greek as in the case of Augustine, 
that the doctrine of Hell was advocated? Those early church leaders familiar 
with the Greek and Hebrew (the original languages of the Bible) saw universal 
salvation in those texts. Those who advocated Hell got it from the Latin, NOT 
from the original Greek and Hebrew. Who would more likely be correct--those who 
could read the original languages of the Bible or those who read a Latin 
translation made by one man (Jerome)? (Ref. #1)
  If Hell was real why do most leading historians acknowledge that the early 
church was dominated by universalism? (Ref. #1, 7) 
  So what..? The early church was not without problems nor is it the benchmark 
of truth..1Chorinthians 4: 6And these things, brethren, I have in a figure 
transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us 
not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed 
up for one against another. 
  Again the descriptions and contrast of the eternal condition of the ungodly v 
Godly is in Greek and Hebrew .............not that this question even has a 
clue about greek and hebrew but there is no point here terminology is defined 
by the descriptions found in the context itself...i do not have to say "hell" 
to describe .............eternal torment, fire, brimstone, weeping, gashing of 
teeth, where the worm does not die in total darkness. (I did not even mention a 
name for that place, where ever it is.......how about that...maybe I wasn?t 
talking about anything .!?)
  Many are called few are chosen Matthew 22:14 ;Matthew 7:221-23..what the 
moral majority is the "true" bench mark? Acts 20:29: Titus 1:10
  If Hell was real then why did four out of six theological schools from 170 AD 
to 430 AD teach universal salvation while the only one that taught Hell was in 
Carthage, Africa, again were Latin was the teaching language, not Greek? (Ref. 
#1, 2, 7)
  If Hell was real why didn't Epiphanius (c. 315-403) the "hammer of heretics" 
who listed 80 heresies of his time not list universalism among those heresies? 
(Ref. #1) If Hell was real, since most historians would acknowledge today that 
Origen was perhaps the most outstanding example of early universalism in the 
church, when Methodius, Eusibius, Pamphilus, Marcellus, Eustathius, and Jerome 
made their lists of Origen's heresies, why wasn't universalism among them? 
Could it be perhaps that it wasn't a heresy in the original church? (Ref. #1) 
So who is authoritative here Origen or the others..how does this prove that 
scripture denies eternal punishment?
  If Hell was real and a serious heresy, why was it not until the sixth century 
when Justinian, a half-pagan emperor, tried to make universalism a heresy? 
Interestingly, most historians will acknowledge that Justinian's reign was 
among the most cruel and ruthless. (Ref. #1) And that means What? What is the 
standard for doctrine men or scripture....how do know that it was not a long 
over due condemnation?? The questions are meaningless unless you insist on 
going outside of scriptures for a "sign" as to how to read scriptures
  If Hell was real, since the early church was closest to the apostles and 
since they were closest to the original manuscripts of the Bible, why did the 
vast majority of the early Christian believers NOT believe in Hell as a place 
of everlasting burnings? (Ref. #1, 2, 7) If closeness counts then why not just 
take what the Apostles wrote? If you cant take them then how can we ensure our 
interpretations of the "Early Church"....if the message of the originals is not 
preserved in what we have today then how do you know that?.... and obviously we 
are going to need to thought out the whole written word of God thing...
  If Hell was real and all died NOT because of their transgressions but because 
of Adam's transgression (Rom 5:18), why do many Christians not see what is 
plainly written, that "even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift 
came to ALL MEN, resulting in JUSTIFICATION OF LIFE!" (Rom. 5:18) Again the 
Gift is free and it is for all men but only those men who call on the name of 
the lord receive the gift of God?s Grace/work of salvation.....All men will not 
receive it, but not because of God
  This Scripture declares the FACT that all are justified due to Christ's 
righteous act. No one "decided" to die in Adam, it was "reckoned" to us. 
Equally no one "decided" to "receive eternal life," it is also "reckoned" to 
us. (A thorough understanding of Romans Chapter five carefully comparing 
several English translations would be a very good exercise. The omission of the 
definite article "the" in Rom. 5:15 before the word "many" in some translations 
has caused some great misunderstanding of this most important chapter of the 
Bible.) If Hell is real, in Romans 5:19, the "many" who were made sinners were 
actually "all" of the human race.......... Why is the "many" who were made 
"righteous" not equally be "all" of the human race? "For as by one man's 
disobedience MANY were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience MANY will 
be made righteous." ..Without going into a deep discussion ........ Maybe Just 
maybe his focus here is on and referring to those people who would
 latter be redeemed (like Daniel) via the Messiah and not everyone like the 
"wicked" he keeps referring to in the OT that will receive an everlasting curse 
for their disobedience............ummm 
  If Hell is real and everlasting, why does Psalm 30:5 say His anger is but for 
a moment?
  And once it is accomplished God nor the faithful will be concerned about 
where they went
  If Hell is real one would never know it by the actions of most Christians. 
They go through life pretty much like atheists, pagans, etc. If they really 
believed in Hell, they would spend their entire life trying to snatch their 
friends and relatives from the burning flames. If Hell is real, why don't they 
do this? 
  If that is true of Hell then why is it not true of Heaven?..o that?s right 
......everyone is going to heaven so it doesn?t matter what you do or do not 
do....what is the point of Christianity again??
  If Hell is a real place of merciless endless torture, since God knows the 
beginning from the end, why didn't God just kill Adam and Eve and end the long 
terrible chain of misery that passed to their offspring before it began? After 
all, the Scriptures say that all died BECAUSE of Adam. (Rom. 5:18) 
"Predestination" was before the foundation of the world itself
  If Hell is real, why is it not mentioned in most leading English Bible 
translations until Matthew? (Most Bible translations now acknowledge Sheol 
should NOT ever be translated Hell as the King James Bible incorrectly did.)
  If Hell was real, and if Paul was commissioned by God to preach the gospel to 
the nations, why did Paul not mention Hell even once except to declare victory 
over it? (1 Cor. 15:55, the word death in this passage is the word "Hades" 
which some translations of the Bible also translate Hell.) Moot....If salvation 
is via Christ then we would have victory over Hades, hell and any other 
negative descriptions regardless of which one or term he is referring 
too...because Death or Hades itself is cast into the Lake of fire..and if you 
are in Hades.??...if A is in B and B is in C then A is in C 
  If Hell was real and easy to define and find in the Bible, why did the 
translators of the original 1611 King James Bible find it so difficult to 
define Hades? They put Hell in the text at Rev. 20:13 and "Or, grave" in the 
margins while putting "grave" in the text and "Or, Hell" in the margins in 1 
Cor. 15:55? Seems they couldn't make up their minds whether Hades meant Hell or 
grave. (Recent editions have removed the marginal readings thus avoiding the 
  If Hell is real, why are there many English Bible translations which do NOT 
contain the word Hell at all nor do they contain the concept of "everlasting 
torments"? (Ref. #6) If Hell was real and the belief that there is no Hell is a 
deception from Satan, why is it that those born from above Christians who DON'T 
believe in Hell seem to manifest more of the nature and fruit of the Spirit 
than those who teach Hell? Surely those who believe that Jesus is the Savior of 
all mankind manifest more love towards their enemies than do serious Hell-fire 
types. Could it be that we begin to manifest what we worship? If we believe God 
loves all mankind and plans to save it, then we have no excuse but to do the 
same. However, if we believe God will cast away most of mankind, then we begin 
to manifest the very same spirit here on earth. Emotional... absent of any 
biblical descriptions or instructions. If there is a Hell and salvation is the 
deliverance from it, why does the word appear
 only a dozen times or so in most leading selling Bibles like the NIV, NASB, 
NRSV, NKJV, etc. as compared to the word Heaven which appears hundreds of 
times? If Hades is Hell and there is no escape from it, why is it emptied and 
cast into the Lake of Fire along with death. (Rev. 20:14) If the Lake of Fire 
is actually a place of everlasting burnings, why isn't it defined as such? 
!?Yea!?... why cant we get everything we need from this one verse.....We should 
demand that every detail of every issue/point to be found anywhere in scripture 
contain all details found in every other verses that address that same 
issue/point so that every verse would essentially contain the entirety of all 
of scriptures descriptions in any one verse .......O wait minuet, we do have 
all of scripture...!?? The Bible calls it the "second death," that is, the 
death of the first death. One would think that the death of death would be 
LIFE, which is a good thing! (Rev. 20:14) Even in mathematics two
 negatives make a positive. If you have no life in you because you are dead and 
death goes to the lake of fire .............. A is in B and B is in C then A is 
in C 
  If there is a Hell and all who have sinned are destined to go there (which is 
everyone) unless they figure out how to avoid it, does that not consign all 
aborted babies and most children to Hell? (Dear Reader, while some 
denominations teach a so-called "age of accountability," it is NOT found 
anywhere in the Bible. It is just some people's way of trying to make God more 
humane than the Hell teaching makes Him out to be.) If all things were made for 
GOD'S pleasure, is it conceivable that God would derive pleasure from seeing 
those He created endlessly tortured? 
  If there is a Hell and according to most denominations of Christianity the 
majority of mankind will go there, could you really enjoy heaven knowing your 
mother or father or children or best friend are suffering everlasting tortures 
the likes of which would make the Holocaust seem like a picnic? If the Rich Man 
and Lazarus story (Luke chapter 16) is real and NOT a parable, then we will be 
able to converse with our loves ones who did not make it into heaven. Would 
heaven really be paradise if this were true? If Hell is real and a place of 
eternal separation from God, why would Paul the apostle say the goal of God's 
creative plan was to ultimately be "all IN all?" (1 Cor. 15:28) 
  If Hell is real since there is only one name under heaven by which men might 
be saved (Acts 4:12), why did God wait thousands of years and millions of souls 
after Adam's fall to provide the name and means of salvation? Are all those 
before Jesus' birth damned forever because they never heard of the death, 
burial, and resurrection of Christ? Would that be just? (Remember the Mosaic 
Law can never "save" anyone and it was only for Israel. Rom. 3:20) 
  If Hell is a real place of everlasting punishment and if Jesus died in our 
place to save us from this fate, wouldn't Jesus have to be eternally punished 
if in fact He took our punishment upon Himself? But He's NOT being eternally 
punished. He DIED which is what the penalty of the wages of sin is, DEATH, NOT 
everlasting life of unending torture or eternal death (annihilation).
  If Hell is real why do some of the best Bible scholars and Bible teachers say 
it is NOT in the Greek or Hebrew text? (William Barclay, John A.T. Robinson, 
Lightfoot, Westcott, F.W. Farrar, Marvin Vincent, etc.) 
  If Hell is real why is it that those who preach it the most look more like 
Pharisees and the devil, while those who believe in the salvation of all 
mankind seem to be more loving and merciful than strong Hell-fire believers? 
It's a plain fact that the colder less loving one is the easier it is to teach 
Hell while the more loving one becomes the harder it is to talk about Hell. Is 
heaven full of cold unloving people? 
  If Hell is real and everlasting, why is it thrown into the Lake of Fire to be 
destroyed? And why is Hell never called the Lake of Fire nor the Lake of Fire 
ever called Hell if in fact they are the same thing? If Hell is real and the 
devil and all his works and people are to be thrown into it to stay alive 
forever, doesn't that violate Jesus' statement that He came to "destroy" the 
works of the devil? (1 John 3:8) 
  Bottom line...is a lake of fire better????..regardless of the term you think 
they used or were supposed to have used does anyone want to go to a "lake of 
fire"?.........So wrapped up in the term "hell" you actually miss what is 
described........ you can?t use "lake of fire" to argue against hell because 
hell is not the term translated there as "lake of fire"... as for "He came to 
destroy the works of the devil" that is what everlasting destruction is?????... 
2Thes 1:9Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence 
of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
  If Hell is real and the greatest part of mankind eventually goes there, 
wouldn't Jesus be considered a great failure considering the fact He was sent 
to save the whole world? And if He failed so miserably this time to accomplish 
the will of the Father, can one really trust that He won't fail again? (1 Tim. 
2:3,4 KJV; Heb. 10:9) We who believe that Jesus will save the world obviously 
do NOT believe He failed??He will save all of us. If Hell is real it must have 
been created at some time. Why doesn't the Bible tell us when Hell (as 
traditionally taught) was created? Could it be that the Bible fails to mention 
its creation because it was never created in the first place? 
  If Hell is real and it is plainly seen in the original languages of the 
Bible, why is there such a great discrepancy among Bible translations as to 
which words should be translated Hell? (Ref. #6) If Hell is real and most of 
mankind ends up there, how can God have promised Abraham that in him ALL the 
families of the earth will be blessed? (Gen. 12:3) If Hell is real and Matthew 
chapter 24 says and means that the goat nations will go to "everlasting 
punishment," how can God promise to Abraham that "all the nations of the earth 
shall be blessed by him? (Gen. 18:18) Does God not keep His promises? If Hell 
is real, does that mean that motherly love is more powerful and enduring than 
God's love? Do you know of normal mothers who would endlessly torment most of 
her kids. Do you know "normal" Fathers who would do such a thing? Why do we 
believe our heavenly Father, who is millions of times more loving than all of 
us combined, could do such an evil, wicked thing? 
  If Hell is real, is justice being served considering the fact that finite 
crimes would receive infinite punishment? If Hell is real, since all is out of 
Jesus Christ, does that mean Hell comes out of Jesus Christ? (Rom. 36:11) If 
Hell is real and all the different types of crimes committed here on earth 
receive the same punishment (endless torture) does "justice" not suffer? If 
Hell is real and a person gets caught stealing and goes to jail for it and does 
his time, is it just for God to still punish him eternally for that crime? Is 
this not "double indemnity?" If Hell is real, since some people receive many 
chances to "get saved," some receive only a few chances and billions have never 
even received one chance, does that make God a respecter of persons? (Acts 
10:34, James 3:17)
  If Hell is real and is the fate of all mankind because of Adam's 
transgression, if all are not saved through the last Adam, Jesus Christ, does 
that not make the transgression of the first Adam greater than the redeeming 
act of Jesus? (Rom. Chapter 5) 
  If Hell is real and most of mankind is doomed to go there, does that not 
violate the declaration of Paul who said that Christ's righteous act on the 
cross gave ALL mankind a free gift resulting in justification of life?! (Rom. 
5:18) If Hell is real and God's wrath abides upon billions of human beings 
FOREVER, some being your relatives and friends (or it could be you), doesn't 
that violate the Scripture which says His anger WILL come to an end? (Isaiah 
57:16-18) If Hell was real and you went there, would you consider that good? 
(Psalm 145:9 says all will praise Him.) If Hell was real and you were consigned 
to it, would you praise Him for sending you there? (Psalm 145:10) 
  If Hell is real and most of mankind will fall into this fiery pit, if there 
is not escape out of it, would this not violate the Scripture that says He 
raises ALL who fall? (Psalm 145:14) If Hell is really a place from which there 
is no escape, why does God turn man to destruction and then give the command to 
return from it? (Psalm 90:3)
  If Hell is "everlasting" destruction," how can man return? (2 Thess. 1:9) If 
Hell is real and most find their way to it, was Jesus lying when He said that 
He would "draw" ("drag" in the original Greek) all mankind unto Himself? (John 
  This is part of the whole free will issue
  If Hell is real, since Jesus ultimately fills ALL things, will Jesus fill 
Hell as well? ((Eph. 4:10) How can Hell be eternal separation from God is Jesus 
fills Hell with Himself? 
  First ignores context of above all heavens.........Christ never said he was 
going to fill hell with himself.......... it did not say fill all things with 
himself it said he himself will fill all things ........The Great Judge will 
fill "hell" with those who rejected him...cast into the lake of fire
  If Hell is real and Jesus is the Heir of all things, does that mean He 
inherits Hell as well? (Heb. 1:2) If Hell is real, since God will have all men 
be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:3 KJV), does that 
mean God's power is not strong enough to have His will fulfilled? Is man's will 
more powerful than God's? If Hell is real, would that not violate the plain 
Scripture of the "restitution of all things?" (Acts 3:21) If Hell is real and 
eternal separation from God, why does the Scripture say, "All flesh will come 
to God?" (Psalm 65:2-4) If Hell is real and most people don't get "born again," 
doesn't that make abortionists the greatest evangelists of all since they kill 
the babies before they can enter the world to begin their life of sin? (Gory 
thought, but think about it.) If Hell is real and there is no escape from it, 
how can the Scriptures speak of the gathering of all things into Christ? (Eph. 
1:10) Sure pretend there is no qualifier in that
 verse..........gather all things "in Christ"....How do you get in Christ? Then 
if you are not in Christ ...?..........Who or where in scripture states there 
is no escape from it..I rather thought the whole Gospel of Christ was about 
escaping the wrath to come...I dano though maybe John the Baptist was probably 
just a crazy wild man... and Jesus was one of his 
disciples..?!?..~:}o..............key point: the Wrath to come is eternal but 
it began in that generation just like coming of Christ and the judgment did 
  f Hell is real and God were human, we would give Him a death sentence for all 
the cruel things we say He is going to do to most of mankind? If Hell is real 
and most people around you are on their way to it, how can you talk with them 
and not beg them each and everyday to be saved? How can you not go crazy at 
just the thought of their fate? 
  Now how does me going crazy or not determine what God did and did not do????
  If Hell is real and you have "unsaved" family, friends, and business 
associates, when was the last time you went to them on your knees begging them 
to get saved? And if you haven't done this recently yet still believe their 
fate is everlasting punishment, don't you deserve to go to Hell yourself for 
being so callused and non-caring? 
  Drama!....who does not have the word of God available to them if they do and 
chose not to listen to the word of God why should they give more weight to 
anyone else...i am personly happy to discuss the issue when people so desire....
  Luke 16:29Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them 
hear them.30And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from 
the dead, they will repent.31And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and 
the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the 
dead...Must be true! Christ rose from the dead and they don?t believe him about 
the very thing under consideration here..?
  ...I Prefer to let God and not man determine who is "worthy" or 
not.................which all these arguments really bring to the forefront 
..........how mans describes how God should or would do things v How God 
describes that he does things
  If Hell is real, how does the threat of endlessly torturing us convince us 
that God loves us and that we should love Him with all our heart, soul, mind 
and strength? If Hell was real and the "full" gospel was designed to reach all 
mankind, doesn't that make the results of the "full" gospel pretty "empty" 
considering that fact that most people are in Hell according to traditional 
  Not due to God?s lack of Love ..he provided salvation because he loved man 
but again does not force man to obey him .......He will force men to suffer the 
consequences of mans disobedience.
  If Hell was real, does that mean Jesus raised the wicked from an unconscious 
state, make them alive only to be endlessly tortured? Wouldn't it be more 
merciful to just leave them eternally unconscious (which some believe)? (Ecc. 
9:5; John 11:11) If Hell is real and God only loves those who love Him, what 
better is He than the sinner? (Luke 6:32-33) Can you REALLY call eternally 
torturing your own children love? If Hell is real, since "love thinketh no 
evil," can God design the ultimate evil of a single soul? (1 Cor. 13:5) If Hell 
is real, since"love worketh no ill," can God inflict, or cause, or allow to be 
inflicted, an endless ill? (Rom. 13:10) 
  If Hell is real, since we are forbidden to be overcome by evil, can we safely 
suppose that God will be overcome by evil? (Rom. 12:21) Would not the 
infliction of endless punishment prove that God HAD been overcome by evil? If 
Hell is real, if man does wrong in returning evil for evil, would not God do 
wrong if He was to do the same?
  Who defines evil man or God who is the judge of when one is overcome by evil 
man or God?...........Only if God is subject to God?s own ordinances he gives 
to Man but God lays claim to Vengeance and ultimate authority for 
himself...only if God is limited and on the same level or pecking order of 
power understanding, love and righteousness as man, since God defines all those 
terms anyway it is not possible to make that argument again attempts to 
evaluate/ contemplate the nature of God first and then use that evaluation to 
interpret of invalidate the only information about God from God....circular 
  (Rom. 12:20,21) Would not endless punishment be the return of evil for evil? 
As we are commanded "to overcome evil with good," may we not safely infer that 
God will do the same? Would the infliction of endless punishment be overcoming 
evil with good? If Hell is real, if God hates the sinner, does the sinner do 
wrong in hating Him? 
  If Hell is real, if God loves His enemies now, will he not always love them? 
Is God a changeable being? (James 1:17) If Hell is real, is it just for God to 
be "kind to the evil and unthankful," in their present life? (Luke 6:35) Would 
it be unjust for God to be kind to all men in a future state? If Hell is real, 
if all men justly deserve endless punishment, will not those who are saved, be 
saved unjustly? If Hell is real, would it be merciful in God to inflict endless 
punishment--that is, merciful to the sufferer? How and who defines Justly or 
unjustly..You or God.......If he did not specifically define those terms how 
can you do that for him?..this is a classic example of a evaluation of the 
nature of God before the information about God is received..just as the 
argument about God alone only having a free will attempts to do
  If Hell is real, if the demands of divine justice are opposed to the 
requirements of mercy, is not God divided against Himself? If the requirements 
of mercy are opposed to the demands of the justice of God, can His kingdom 
stand? -- (Mark 3:24) If Hell is real, does not judgment triumph over mercy and 
thus contradict this Scripture? (James 2:13) If Hell is real, if you had 
sufficient power would you not deliver all men from sin? If God WOULD save all 
men, but CANNOT, is He infinite in power?
  How so.....Mercy itself is conditional..at lest how God describes it and the 
method by which one obtains it...
  If Hell is real, if God CAN save all men, but WILL NOT, is He infinite in 
  Depends on how you define "infinite in Goodness".......as well as Gods 
limitations....God claims to have limitations you know...This does not exclude 
a limit to it?s functionality because it would only operate within the 
parameters God defines for it infinite or not it neither negates "infinite 
goodness" nor does it prohibit God from determining how that "infinite 
Goodness" is applied.
  If Hell is real and created by God, does it not stand against God's DESIRE 
the salvation of all men? (1 Tim. 2:3-4) 
  Again, only has meaning if you assume that God is the only one with a will of 
his own
  Since God is righteous, must not the desire for universal salvation be a 
RIGHTEOUS desire? 
  Who defines what is righteous man or God if God then you cant use mans 
definition to define God?s work..the point is this is man sitting in the temple 
of God showing himself that he is God or makes the determination for what God 
should and should not be.
  Is it true, that "the desire of the righteous shall be granted?" -- (Prov. 
  "To the righteous" and the righteous do not go against the dictates of God 
rather they accept them...even the desire of the righteous is described as 
salvation and communion with God and that is and was given just as 
promised......that is the whole point of the Gospel of Christ ...this argument 
only makes any sense if the desire of the righteous and what righteousness is 
in the first place is defined external of scripture and then that meaning 
forced on this verse. 
  If Hell is real, would endless misery benefit the Almighty, as the INFLICTOR? 
Would endless misery benefit the saints, as SPECTATORS? 
  Away from his presences, outer darkness...... don?t think anyone is going to 
notice their suffering.....part of the whole horror of it all.....no one will 
  Would endless misery benefit the sinner, as the SUFFERER? If Hell is real and 
endless punishment is the "wages of sin," could the sinner ever receive payment 
in full? (Rom. 6:23) If Hell is real and sin is infinite, can it be true that, 
"where sin abounded grace did MUCH MORE abound?" --(Rom. 5:20) If Hell is real, 
if ONE sin deserves an eternity of punishment, how much punishment will TEN 
sins deserve?
  What and who defines "deserves" in the first place?..what would it matter? 
  If Hell is real, yet God "openeth his hand and satisfieth the desire of every 
living thing" -- (Ps. 145:16), If I desire all men be saved, will God satisfy 
my desire? Is it good to desire all men to be saved? "This is GOOD and 
acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who DESIRES ALL MEN TO BE SAVED and 
to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:3,4) Yes but this does not 
say all men will only that God desires or is willing it ..gets back to the will 
of God v the will of man......the argument could only make sense if there was 
no will external of Gods will...............
  If Hell is real and you are a Calvinist, were you "responsible" for getting 
into heaven? Then why do you take the responsibility for those going to Hell 
away from God and put it on those you say are going to Hell? Is God "sovereign" 
only over the "elect?"same issue, who & how is defining Sovereign..also 
demonstrates how one false doctrine leads to another.........Again, only has 
meaning if you assume that God is the only one with a will of his own
  If Hell is real and God is our Father and our Potter (Isaiah 64:8,9) did He 
make mostly junk and are most of the children He raised misfits worthy only to 
be thrown away and endlessly tortured? Only if you believe that God did not 
create will external of his own so as to give man his own choice ..salvation 
via Christ or eternal punishment for not
  Do we not hold parents responsible for their children's outcome? If we use 
the same standards towards God's "fathering" abilities, according to the 
doctrine of endless punishment, our Father did a very poor job in raising His 
At some point the Children become responsible for themselves.........Adam did 
not sin as a child he did so as a man and eve as a woman (think about that 
one).... If Hell is real and a person is considered foolish trying to build a 
tower without first seeing if he has enough resources with which to complete 
it, wouldn't Jesus also be foolish if He purposed to save the world but only 
came away with a part of it? And wouldn't Jesus appear foolish if He came to 
destroy the works of the devil but left most of the devil's work continuing 
endlessly in the Lake of Fire? Wouldn't He be found guilty of not counting the 
costs before He began?(Luke 14:28-32) Bazaar to attempt to use the teachings of 
Christ in vague manner to invalidate the plain specific
 teachings of Christ...all false doctrines do this with scripture...... If Hell 
is real and since probably less than one percent of the world's population ever 
got "born again" and stayed on the straight and narrow, doesn't this fly in the 
face of Jesus' words which says He leaves the ninety-nine to find the one and 
doesn't give up until He finds it? (Luke 15:4) ninety and nine of his sheep not 
the goats or the Devils flock
  If Hell is real and a place of terrible pain, why is it that we wouldn't 
think of sending our pets to such a place yet don't blink an eye at the thought 
of God sending His very own children to such a place? If Hell is real and 
universalism is a heresy, why is it that those who believe God loves all and 
will save all find it easier to love all people than those who believe most 
people are going to Hell? (Think this through very carefully.)
  Going to hell is not a matter of what anyone thinks or likes it is a matter 
of how things worked as defined by God not man.
  If Hell is real, will you judge your mother, son, or other non-believer to 
Hell? "Do ye not know that the saints "shall judge the world"? and if the world 
shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye 
not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this 
life?" 1 Corinthians 6:2-3

  "Other non believer" this argument must presuppose that Christ did not mean 
what he said by who soever believeth not shall be dammed..but then again what 
does dammed really mean..Do we let scripture define or describe that or do we 
do it?
  As with anything if you only focus your attention on "your favorite 
Scriptures"/ term in this case, say the scriptures that speak of God?s work and 
love then use you determinations of those scriptures external of all the rest 
then force your determinations of Gods love on all the rest that speak of his 
vengeance then assert that those scriptures either can?t be part of the 
original/true or they don?t mean what they plainly state...........this is 
fallaciously circular application of scripture...this is the reason there are 
so many diverse doctrines. Anyone can make the bible say just about anything 
they want to if they focus on one verse or term or set of verses external of 
all the rest...there are plenty of verses of scripture that can be read or 
understood in many ways depending on what else you ignore or additional 
commentary you ascribe to a meaning............then take your conclusions about 
those verses no matter how vague they may or may not support a given
 argument and then apply them to any and everything else no matter how 
specific...Now the specif is subordinate to the vague..all you need is get 
acceptance of a vague argument to supercede a specific statement through in a 
little "was not in the originals" & or "really should be translated 
as.....which really means" ( proof for this assertion, of course, is the 
"obvious" conclusion itself) and anything goes! ..so how does one know when and 
if that is the case....use the specific references to any given subject to 
define outline that subject then and only then use logical conclusions from 
that to understand where vague references appear to be move from greatest 
specific to less specific to evaluate the vague and non existent..You don?t 
have to produce a scripture with the term "hell" in it to produce one with 
eternal punishment call it what you like it?s the eternal punishment that 
should be of concern not the term "hell" itself. 

Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:     OK,.. Give me a few more 
days I am a little behind on some other things .....Let me just say this to 
maybe open the door for anyone else to comment on........ I affirm that Hell is 
a real Place of eternal torment for those who reject Christ.
j a <ja_777_aj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    Thanks Allen!
  I have a couple articles I would appreciate your comment on any of them 
(since they are all similar), whenever you have time. About hell not being at 
all what is commonly taught.
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