[geocentrism] Re: More on aberration

  • From: Alan Griffin <ajg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 18:37:29 +0100

On 09 Aug, Philip <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> >From the geocentrist, I need an explanation. 
> My physics book also used aberration to establish the speed of light.
> For their formular they used an established figure 30,557 meters per
> second for the caculated orbital speed of the earth around the sun.

> Taking the triangle I used before, with the angle of aberation of 20.45" 

> and making the base line equal to the velocity of the earth, 30,557
> meters per second ,and the vertical line equal to the speed of light,
> using -- Tan 20.45 = 30557over V of light squared.  .or .0001003

> Working back from the Tan tables this gave a fairly accurate 3.047 X
> 10/8th meters per second. 

> If the earth is not moving, how do we account for the figures working
> out? 

> Is it because they made the assumption that the base line measurement
> was due to earth movement rather than star movement. 

> Yet for this to be so, it must involve a rather complex star/cosmos
> movement forward and backward annually in addition to the daily
> revolution, and the annual wobbling plate for the seasons. 

> Seems like a lot of complexity, just to con someone into thinking that
> we rotated and revolved around the sun. 

        'Tis very true: O wise and upright judge!
        How much more elder art thou than thy looks!


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