[geocentrism] Re: Fwd: Relativity

  • From: "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 15:16:40 +0100 (BST)

Mike <mboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"Whether you believe relativity or not is beside the point. The theory 
is internally consistent and agrees with observation so their are no 
Not so, as ably demonstrated by one of the World's greatest experts in Special 
Relativity, the late Prof. Herbert Dingle, in his book, "Science at the 
Crossroads," which, if you can tolerate Dingle's highly verbose style, is a 
fine critique of scientific paradigms in action. In this book, Dingle shows 
that clocks, according to Special Relativity, must at the same time run faster 
and slower than each other. In a paper that he references in the book, he does 
the same thing regarding lengths.
Mike also wrote, "The simple answer is that one of the twins turns around and 
thus feels accelaration while the other doesn't. This is where the symmetry 
(and supposed paradox) is broken."
However, the "twins paradox" is a contradiction within Special Relativity. 
Special Relativity does not deal with acceleration, which is handled by General 
Relativity. SR and GR are incompatible.


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