[geocentrism] Re: Fw: Moon Rotation

  • From: "Cheryl B." <c.battles@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 22:24:38 -0500

Philip -- Would you answer me yes or no?  Would the astronauts on the moon
expect to see
the STARS revolving once a day?  I say, no, they wouldn't.  Why?  Because
the explanation (we're told) as to why the STARS (appear to)  turn around
once a day is
because the earth is turning once a day on its axis.  So the moon, NOT
TURNING ONCE A DAY ON ITS AXIS, would not present the same view of the
celestial sphere.  (Astronauts would expect to NOT see the stars turning
once a day because they would believe it to be an illusion as seen from the
earth due to the earth's rotating on its axis.   So if the astronauts got on
the moon and lo and behold the stars are still turning around once a day --

Don't you see what I'm getting at?

Thanks.  Cheryl

----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip" <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 10:10 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] Fw: Moon Rotation

> Cheryl I just told you I tried to be foolish.. I just made it... Neil just
showed me a very great error..  Now I got to think it out how I went wrong..
told you this stuff was not easy. LOL Neil graciously said  This is only
partly correct.   Ouch ! I consider it a big "partially"   I'm returning to
my hole in the floor, maybe never to come out again..  Read below....
> Philip.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Neil Robertson
> To: Philip
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 12:51 PM
> Subject: Moon Rotation
> On the Geocentric mailing list you recently wrote to Cheryl in part:
> "Its all relative Cheryl....   On the moon you will see the earth rise and
> fall close to every 24 hours. You will see the sun rise and fall every 28
> days close enough..  and it will look every bit as natural as we think the
> sun and moon rise is here. In fact you could even conclude the moon was
> centre of the universe, and have no reason to think otherwise, except for
> you came from the earth and were told and brought up to believe it was all
> different...."
> This is only partly correct. If you were on the Moon you would see the Sun
> rise and fall over approx 28 days however what you saw of the Earth would
> depend on where on the Moon you were situated. The Moon always points the
> same side towards Earth and if you were on that side facing Earth, the
> would always be in the sky. It would neither rise or set. If you were on
> opposite side of the Moon you would never see the Earth at all and would
> know of its existance. Spooky eh?
> Neil Robertson.

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