[geocentrism] Re: Apollo moon hoax question

  • From: "Neil Robertson" <nroberts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 14:34:19 +1000

> "Good stuff" ?

You bet.

> Aldrin has, on several occasions, broken down and left the room in tears 
> when asked the perfectly straightforward question, "What's it like to walk 
> on the Moon, Col. Aldrin?"
No doubt overwhelmed with the import of it all. I would be choked up with 
the emotion of it all too. To think you are the second man to walk on the 
Moon and one of only a few to have accomplished that feat. I image it brings 
a tear to his eye even now after all these years.

> "Gary the bottom line is that if the moon landings were a hoax it would be 
> the grand daddy of all hoaxes."
> Hoaxes are easy. Just consider what it was that went into the Pentagon on 
> September 11, 2001. It most certainly was not an airliner.
Hoaxes are not easy as I mentioned previously. The bigger the event and the 
larger the number of people involved the more difficult the task becomes. In 
the case of the Appollo program you have about seven years over which 
thousands of people beavered away to make the achievement possible. And to 
think the not one has come forward after all this time and blown the 
whistle. Such dedication to a lie eh.

Its interesting that you also brought up the Pentagon 9/11 plane crash. I 
have also found that people who beleive in one conspiracy are generally 
suseptible to other such nonesense.

> In a geostatic universe, no one (and no thing) could possibly have landed 
> on the Moon as claimed. No conspiracy theory at all, really, just simple 
> science.

Wishful thinking perhaps on your part. I gave a link to Gary in one of my 
earlier post but here it is again  www.clavious.org . That site will answer 
all your queries concerning the moon landings and clearly and scientifically 
debunks the nonesense that the hoax believers scatter around the internet. 
Just simple science really.


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