Re: HowTo - galileo as service (init.d) under Debian ?

  • From: Linux <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Ben <benoit.allard@xxxxxx>, galileo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2017 16:45:26 +0100

Hello - this is completely free. Just my ideas and absolutely no guarantee that it is correct (it's working for me at least but I'm rather new to such kind of things and just try to learn stuff like that by trial-and-error). You can do whatever you want with it :-). And maybe others do have better ideas!

Am 21.01.2017 um 14:17 schrieb Ben:


I'd like to integrate your init file in the contrib directory of the galileo repository [0]. Who knows, it might interest other people !

Can you provide me with a name (and email) I should use for correct authorship ?



On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 9:43 AM Linux <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hello all,

    I was asking earlier on for installing galileo as a service under
    but the question didn't make it to the mailing list - in the
    meantime I
    spent quite some time in investigating, testing and checking and
    think I
    found a solution (at least galileo is running fine as a service now,
    although I could not test with a reboot yet).

    I don't know if what I did is correct and good practice or no. So
    comments are welcome and if there is a solid solution then this can
    maybe be published/documented for others and maybe even included in
    galileo setup somehow. Something I was missing is a log file
    /var/log/galileo where I could check (just entries like service
    stopped, synchronized device XXX successfully, sync skipped, ...)

    If I remember correctly the steps I took were:

    make a file 'galileo' in /etc/init.d/ (attached down below)

    sudo chown root: galileo

    chmod +x galileo

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

    manual testing with:

    sudo ./galileo stop
    sudo ./galileo start
    sudo ./galileo status

    sudo update-rc.d galileo defaults (to register the service for good)

    my 'galileo' file in /etc/init.d/:


    # Provides:          galileo
    # Required-Start:    $remote_fs $network $syslog
    # Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $network $syslog
    # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
    # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
    # Short-Description: Synchronization of fitbit devices (galileo
    # Description:       Run the galileo daemon which provides background
    synchronization service for fitbit devices

    # Change the next 3 lines to suit where you install your script
    and what
    you want to call it

    # Add any command line options for your daemon here
    DAEMON_OPTS="--syslog --no-dump --daemon-period 60000 daemon"

    # This next line determines what user the script runs as.
    # Root generally not recommended but necessary if you are using the
    Raspberry Pi GPIO from Python.

    # The process ID of the script when it runs is stored here:

    . /lib/lsb/init-functions

    do_start () {
         log_daemon_msg "Starting system $DAEMON_NAME daemon"
         start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile $PIDFILE
    --make-pidfile --user $DAEMON_USER --chuid $DAEMON_USER --startas
         log_end_msg $?
    do_stop () {
         log_daemon_msg "Stopping system $DAEMON_NAME daemon"
         start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PIDFILE --retry 10
         log_end_msg $?

    case "$1" in


             sleep 1

             status_of_proc "$DAEMON_NAME" "$DAEMON" && exit 0 || exit $?

             echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$DAEMON_NAME
             exit 1

    exit 0

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