RE: Count the number of mailboxes and AD users that have MB.

  • From: "Michael B. Smith" <michael@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "[ExchangeList]" <exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 08:00:08 -0400

adfind from
a) adfind -root -sort msExchHomeServerName -f msExchHomeServerName=* cn
b) adfind -root -sort msExchHomeServerName -f msExchHomeServerName=* cn


From: Sanz de Leon, Juan Carlos [mailto:jcsanz@xxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:19 AM
To: [ExchangeList]
Cc: Quintanilla Caja, Rafael
Subject: [exchangelist] Count the number of mailboxes and AD users that
have MB.

Dear Gurus,
    We have a single forest with about 50 domains and 50 Exchange
servers on a single ORG...... and the question is:
a)  Is there a tool/script that could tell me the number of Active
Directory users that have mailboxes conected to them?
b) Is there a quick way to count the number of mailboxes per server ?
Other than going to each one with ESM individually to get them
Thanks in advance,
Juan Carlos Sanz




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