[etni] Re: new ETNI poll

  • From: Lev Abramov <lev.abramov@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: david@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 11:25:33 +0300

2010/5/27 David Lloyd <david@xxxxxxxx>
> Hi all,
> I have been asked by a number of people, recently, to put up a new ETNI
> poll
> about whether ETAI conferences should allow for a public forum to discuss
> controversial issues.

A very important poll indeed: once you all vote, the results will show how
the listmembers who voted feel about this issue. Given the overall mood, it
is not hard to predict that the majority of voters will be in favor of
allowing the discussions of controversional issues. How many of you will
really take the time to vote against? "No-no, let us NOT discuss it!" What
harm could such discussion possibly do?!

Of course, we will not know how those on ETNI who did not vote feel about
it. Or those who are not on ETNI.

But suppose everyone voted - all the English teachers. ETAI members and
non-members alike. Then what? You have already been informed by Mitzi: ETAI
is not interested. Period. Will this poll really make a difference? Why
would it?!

All these polls give you an illusion of being involved in the
decision-making process. But as long as you are as powerless as you are,
no-one will pay any attention to their results. It is just a channel for you
to vent: a lot of air movement - but very little real change. An illusion of
air conditioning.

As sarcastically as ever -



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