[etni] Fwd: re: cheating

  • From: ETNI list <etni.list@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 15:16:55 +0200

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adi Orian <austenorian@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: cheating

I think this is a highly unusual case, or at least I hope it is... and
cannot reflect on an entire generation, but why would you look at
teachers/parents? Look at all the "dignitaries" who are in jail or on
their way...

Sarah wrote:
> I know that there is not much more than can be said about the issue of
> cheating. But I would like to relate an episode:
> When my son was in 6th grade, his teacher closed the door, wrote all the
> questions to a regional test on the board and told the kids to prepare for
> the exam. She also told them not to tell anyone.  When my son told me, I
> was extremely upset and confronted the principal.  She looked at the test
> questions in his notebook and assured me that the problem would be dealt
> with.
> When I followed up and asked what had been done with the teacher, I was
> told that she had been punished enough because she had suffered "a very
> difficult and emotional weekend" - apparently thinking about what she had
> done (or maybe just that she had been caught).  I was told she would
> apologize to the class - after the end of the year party, which never
> happened.
> What really topped it off was that she asked my son if he had told his
> parents.  She had no difficulty which pupil and which parents would be the
> only ones upset by the event!
> At any rate, the kids of that generation are now the parents of our
> pupils.  Is it any wonder that they don't condemn cheating?

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