[etni] Fw: Histarut agreement -- the math doesn't add up

  • From: "Ask" <ask@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Etni" <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 08:08:02 +0300

----- Original Message ----- From: ELEANOR ZWEBNER - eleanorz541@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Histarut agreement -- the math doesn't add up

26% more pay for about 20% more work

Today's Ha'aaretz: following arbitration, the arbitrator reached the conclusion that the teachers salaries had eroded 30% between 1999-2001 as compared with the engineers in the public service (Vaadat Etzioni of the 1970's ties our salaries to the engineers -- this has been totally ignored and is one of the arguments that the unions have been having with the Finance Minsitry -- our employer, the Ministry of Education, and the Finance Minsitry have been lying to us for about 20 years)

In any case -- in return for this 30% erosion -- they will give us a lump sum gift, plus a 4.75% pay hike . Gee whizz, I'm an English teacher but there is something about that equation that seems off : 30 does not = 4.75

Now-- they reached an agrement about 26/20 which means 6% actually -- but 4.75 is actually back money way under what is iwed, but the arbitration agrees to it. So --we are actually going to work 20% more hours (elementary 36 hours, jhs and above 29 hours) and we are going to get an additional 2% cash!

In about 5 years.

Maybe -- they promise

But they also promsied to linkteachers to engineers and that was 1976 I think

And what about the pension...?

jesg wrote:
about this HIstadrut agreement (and I use the term lightly!!)
My principal doesn't have the 20 hours to give me now..so where is he going
to dig up another 16 plus the 5 he already owes me.??

Unfortunately moaning among ourselves isn't going to help..WE know the
problem .. we need to make the public aware of what's going on..because
their math is apparently soooo bad they can't figure out that 50% more work
for 26% bruto doesn't add up to more....
We need to have massive explanations in very simple language in the

Can the members of Histadrut protest and refuse to sign?( I wish I still
belonged to I could have the pleasure of quitting again !

Why aren't HIstadrut teachers protesting louder????

If the Irgun buckles under can a teacher refuse to belong to either one of

and finally ..who is going to rewrite the PAssover Hagaddah..... "Avadim
Ha einu".... will have to be changed to Present Simple!!!!! jesg

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  • » [etni] Fw: Histarut agreement -- the math doesn't add up