[etni] 5-day School Week

  • From: "Ellen Gefen" <elen_g@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 09:28:49 +0200

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Dear Fellow Etniers,
In light of the Education Department's budget cuts, the Hityashvuti Sector (and 
I understand others as well) are moving over to a 5 day school week. Our school 
has already announced that there will be no school anymore on Friday, and 
therefore all the "free days" of teachers will be Friday next year.
Our staff is no less than frantic about this decision. Our "free days" are less 
and less free all the time, what with the increasing burdens of new bagrut, 
projects and endless hours devoted to LD student tape preparation and testing, 
IN ADDITION to our normal business of lessons planning and correcting piles of 
bookreports, compositions, dictations, exams and quizzes. More than ever, we 
need our "free day" with which to collect ourselves and cope with all this.The 
thought that our new "free day" will be Friday ( a half-day at best, and with 
our kids in the house!) is unthinkable.

As our staff plans for a major meeting tomorrow to plan our protest, and demand 
that the school now give us an additional free day
(in other words a 4 day week), I'm wondering what's going on at other schools. 
Do you share this problem? Are any of you already working a 4 day week? What 
can our inspectorate do to help us - given that English teachers, by any 
measure are probably the most overworked.

Would appreciate some responses to this issue -
Ellen Gefen
Shaar Hanegev

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