[elky] Re: The migration home.

  • From: Mary McCarthy <printces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: elky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 09:58:55 -0700

well, sounds like things are coming together. I think you underestimate all you have done. You have made some smooth progress.

I'd get the home inspection. You never know. I guess its too late to use it to get some credits on the price? We used it on the house in Hopatcong to knock $6000 off the price back in 1984. It had been rented previously to 'a couple girls from Picatinny". And you know how those bomb girls are <G>.

You could also rent a locker and put your stuff in there until you close. Then just move a little at a time?????

I wouldn't worry about voting in NC.

Safe trip and easy move!

We have had a stressful last two weeks so let me update you all. We have a buyer for our house, and we are in contract. Had as sceptic test done only to find out that a line runs on my neighbors property. Well everything was up in air until I could get the neighbor to sign off on it. Luckily he agreed. Today we have the home inspection. I don't expect any problems....... but stressful. We have sold about 80% of our stuff in an effort to save on moving cost. So now to figure where we're going to live. Contacted a realtor in CT asking for apartments to rent and he told us of two condos that came up for sale, and we were interested, so I sent my daughter over there to be our eyes on the ground. Upshot......... she couldn't say enough good stuff about it. Then one got sold..... so we bid the remaining one and got it. Buying property sight unseen....... stressful, crazy. The condo needs a remodel so we've decided to fix it up before we move in. We will stay with daughter until work is done. Oh..... we decided not to have a home inspection. The condo management covers the siding and the roof maintenance. What could an inspector tell us? That we have water coming out of the facet? LOL. Now comes the logistics of getting this all to work in some form of timely manor. So far thinking of using a pod again because we can just call them when we are ready to move in. Closing so far is Oct 17
           Wonder if I can still vote in the Nov election........ Hmmmm.
Smokey Mt. Frank

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