[edi581] Stoll article

  • From: AvnMeadows7@xxxxxxx
  • To: edi581@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:48:02 EST

  In the interview with Clifford Stoll, a discussion was presented regarding 
the importance of computers in schools.  Stoll pointed out that schools spend 
an excessive amount of money in order to ensure up-to-date technology, and he 
discussed the usefulness of this technology.  Stoll acknowledged that students 
need basic computer skills, but he feels that these skills do not require 
years of practice or the best equipment to obtain.  Stoll also mentions that 
computers often take space that could be used for other subject areas, like art 
  I have to agree with Stoll to a degree.  It does seem somewhat frivolous to 
continue to spend so much money so that kids can learn to use a word 
processor.  I strongly believe that all students need practice with computers, 
but I 
think that skills can be learned in short periods of time.  Computers seem to 
be put at a level of importance that is not necessarily sound.  Computers 
should be used as a tool, but I think a lot of the technological inovations can 
done with out.  I think Stoll does a nice job of pointing out that computers 
are useful, but not necessarily essential.  Schools seem to be under the 
impression that computers are indespensible, and I do not think that this is 
necessarily so.
  I benefited from reading the article because it gave me the opportunity to 
step back from all the computer hype and look at the need for computers in a 
realistic sense.  We can provide good education with out the use of fancy mimio 
boards and power point presentations.  Although these advances can contribute 
to good teaching, they should not come at greater cost than they are really 

Class website:   http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/taylor/suny/
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