[ebooktalk] Re: Read on competition

  • From: "CJ & AA MAY" <chrisalis.may@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:50:11 +0100

Icould only identify 2.

-----Original Message-----
From: ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Steven Bingham
Sent: 13 June 2013 16:45
To: ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ebooktalk] Re: Read on competition

Three as well David 

-----Original Message-----
From: ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of David Russell
Sent: 13 June 2013 14:47
To: ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ebooktalk] Read on competition


In the latest RNIB Read On magazine they are running a competition to
identify books from brief summaries.  As it is father's day this weekend,
the books all have a father and child relationship as the main theme.

I think I know three of them but I am sure some of you can do better.

Go on, show me how clever you all are and forward the answers.

1. "After a pleasant relationship with a single mother, Will comes up with
the idea of attending a single parents group as a new way to pick up women.
For this purpose, he invents a two-year-old son called Ned." 
2. "The Mortmain family is poor but exotic. Cassandra's father is a writer
suffering from writer's block who has not published anything since his first
3. "Danny was only four months old when his mother died and lived with his
widowed father William in a Gypsy caravan, where William operates a filling
station and garage." 
4. "The novel details in comic form the varied reactions by two daughters
when their widowed father marries a much younger Ukrainian immigrant." 
5. "The main story takes place during three years of the Great Depression in
the fictional "tired old town" of Maycomb, Alabama. It focuses on
six-year-old Scout Finch, who lives with her older brother Jem and their
widowed father Atticus, a middle-aged lawyer." 
6. "An unnamed father and his young son journey across a grim
post-apocalyptic landscape, some years after a major unexplained cataclysm
has destroyed civilization and most life on Earth." 

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