[duxuser] Re: by the page or by the hour

  • From: Catherine Thomas <braille@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 18:24:10 -0500 (EST)

I have rates by the page. A single- or double-sided page is the same. I also charge for covers, binding, identifying labels, etc. If the amount of formatting in a document is reasonable, there is no additional charge. If the document is so complex that it has to be re-worked or redesigned, there is a charge for that. The original copy of any document always costs more than any additional multiple copies. Indexes and tables of contents where print references to page numbers have to be changed to Braille references also merit a charge. Individual customers get to choose Braille paper size, grade of Braille, lines per page, and characters per line. If an individual can't afford my rates and needs the work done, we negotiate. If I can't unscramble a given print document even with the Optacon, I refer the person to somebody else who can help them. Others on this list I am sure have an entirely different aproach.

-Catherine Thomas
braille@xxxxxxxxx                     /

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