[dokuwiki] Re: Security details on installation

  • From: "Doug Essinger-Hileman" <greypilgrim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 20:12:19 -0400

On 30 Mar 2007 at 14:24, Chris Smith wrote:

> If prepend isn't available to you, you could put the prepend details
> into the index.php file.  Also include
> define('DOKU_SCRIPT','index.php');
> and change the redirect line -- header("Location: doku.php"); -- to
> include('doku.php');
> (then backup index.php so you have a copy in case it gets clobbered in
> an upgrade)

Hi, Chris. I know that this will probably seem like it is coming out 
of the blue. But immediately after you sent this to the list, I got 
"clobbered" in my real job. 

In any case, I tried this, and things still aren't working. Perhaps 
if I outline my situation you can help me figure out what's not 

DokuWiki was installed into 

/webdocs/www.morehministries.org and the stuff I'm moving out of the 
docroot are being moved to /Doku.

I have followed the instructions on the DokuWiki,  
http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:security, one step at a time. So I 
moved the ./bin directory to /Doku/bin with no problems. (I didn't 
expect any.) Then I moved the ./data directory to /Doku/data, and 
added the savedir setting to point to the new location; there were no 

Then I moved ./conf to /Doku/conf and ran into the problems, as I 
described to the list. This week, I tried your solution. The problem 
remains. (The "problem" is that when I point my web browser to the 
wiki, http://www.morehministries.org/, I get served a blank page. 
Prior to moving the ./conf directory, the wiki was served by the 
browser correctly.)

I'm figuring that I didn't understand your directions correctly. So 
let me summarize everything.




After following your instructions, the content of 
/webdocs/www.morehministries.org/index.php are:

* Forwarder to doku.php
* @license   GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
* @author   Andreas Gohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>



Given this, can you tell what I've done wrong?

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